

词汇 shrug
shrug | BrE ʃrʌɡ, AmE ʃrəɡ | A. transitive verb present participle shrugging past tense, past participle shrugged sǒng shouldersB. intransitive verb present participle shrugging past tense, past participle shrugged 耸肩 sǒngjiān C. noun 耸肩 sǒngjiān with a shrug (of one's or the shoulders); 耸一下肩 to give a shrug; 耸肩 sǒngjiān PHRASAL VERB shrug off transitive verb [shrug off sth, shrug sth off] 对…满不在乎 duì… mǎn bù zàihu criticism, remark, failure; 对…不加理会 duì… bù jiā lǐhuì cold, injury




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