

词汇 shudder
shudder | BrE ˈʃʌdə, AmE ˈʃədər | A. intransitive verb (tremble) 颤抖 chàndǒu to shudder in or with sth; 因某事而发抖 to shudder at the sight/thought of sth 一看到某物/想到某事就发抖 I shudder to think! 我想想就发怵! (shake) «vehicle, engine, building» 强烈震动 qiángliè zhèndòng to shudder to a halt 剧烈晃动着停下来 B. noun (trembling) 颤抖 chàndǒu the news sent a shudder of terror through them 他们听到这个消息吓得不寒而栗 to give a shudder; 打战 to give sb the shudders 让某人害怕 (of vehicle, engine, building) 强烈震动 qiángliè zhèndòng




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