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词汇 shut
shut | BrE ʃʌt, AmE ʃət | A. present participle shutting past tense, past participle shut transitive verb (close) 关上 guānshang window, drawer; 合上 héshang book; 闭上 bìshang eyes; 关闭 guānbì road, rail linecome in and shut the door 进来把门关上 I can't shut this suitcase! 我合不上这个手提箱! shut your mouth or gob or trap or face! informal 闭嘴! bì zuǐ ! (trap) 夹住 jiāzhù curtain, dressto shut sth in a door/window/drawer etc.; 将某物夹在门/窗/抽屉等里 (stop activity of) 使停止营业 shǐ tíngzhǐ yíngyè we shut the shop at 5:30 我们店5点30分关门 B. intransitive verb present participle shutting past tense, past participle shut 停止营业 tíngzhǐ yíngyè the pub shuts at 11:00 这家酒馆11点打烊 关闭 guānbì this window won't shut 这扇窗户关不上 it shut with a bang or crash 砰的一声关上了 C. adjective (closed) 关上的 guānshang de box, lid; 合上的 héshang de book, purse; 闭上的 bìshang de eyesyou have to slam the door shut 你要用力才能把门关上 she sat with her mouth tightly shut 她紧闭着嘴坐着 predicative (not serving or working) to be shut; «shop, pub» 已打烊的 «business» 暂停营业的 zàntíng yíngyè de «factory» 已下班的 yǐ xiàbān de PHRASAL VERBS shut away transitive verb [shut sb/sth away] 把…放好 bǎ… fànghǎo papers, jewellery; 隔离 gélí personshut down A. transitive verb [shut sth down, shut down sth] (close temporarily) 使暂停营业 shǐ zàntíng yíngyè ; (permanently) 使停业 shǐ tíngyè the company has had to shut down many of its retail outlets 该公司不得不关闭很多零售点 (cease operation of) 使…停止运转 shǐ… tíngzhǐ yùnzhuǎn machinery, planthow long does it take to shut down a nuclear reactor? 让核反应堆停止运行要用多长时间? B. intransitive verb «machinery, factory» 停止运转 tíngzhǐ yùnzhuǎn ; «business» 停止营业 tíngzhǐ yíngyè shut in: transitive verb [shut sb in] 把…关起来 bǎ… guān qilai to shut oneself in; 把自己关在屋里 she's shut herself in and won't come out! 她把自己关在房间里不肯出来! shut off: transitive verb [shut off sth, shut sth off] (cut supply of) 切断…的供应 qiēduàn… de gōngyìng water, gas, electricity; (to individual appliance) 关掉 guāndiào water, gas, electricity(isolate) to shut sth/sb off (from …); 将某物/某人(与…)隔离 jiāng mǒu wù/mǒu rén(yǔ… )gélí to shut oneself off (from …); 把自己封闭起来(不接触…) bǎ zìjǐ fēngbì qilai(bù jiēchù… ) shut out transitive verb [shut sth/sb out, shut out sth/sb] (keep out) «person» 把…关在外面 bǎ… guān zài wàimian ; «double glazing, barrier» 挡住 dǎngzhù noise, waterfigurative (exclude) 摆脱 bǎituō memory; 克制 kèzhì sadness, miseryto shut sb out; 把某人排除在外 she wants to shut him out of her life completely 她想彻底地把他赶出自己的生活 (block out) «trees, curtains, wall» 挡住 dǎngzhù sun, light, viewshut up A. intransitive verb informal shut up! 闭嘴! bì zuǐ ! when he was shown the evidence, he soon shut up 当证据摆在他面前时,他很快便不吭声了 B. [shut sb up] transitive verb (silence) 使…住口 shǐ… zhùkǒu person; 使…停止发表意见 shǐ… tíngzhǐ fābiǎo yìjiàn critics, journalists(imprison) 把…关进监狱 bǎ… guānjìn jiānyù C. [shut up sth, shut sth up] transitive verb 关闭 guānbì house, shop




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