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词汇 side
side | BrE sʌɪd, AmE saɪd | A. noun countable (surface of container, cube, paper) miàn the six sides of a cube 立方体的六个面 right side up 正面朝上 this side up 此面朝上 fry the steaks for two minutes on each side 牛排两面各煎两分钟 the right/wrong side 正面/反面 you've got it wrong side out 你把衣服穿反了 the right(-hand)/left(-hand) side of a page 书页的右面/左面 the A-side/B-side [唱片的] A面/B面 countable (surface other than top or bottom) 侧面 cèmiàn to put or place or set sth down on its side 把某物侧放 on/from all sides or every side 在/从四面八方 before noun 侧面的 cèmiàn de door, window, entrance countable (surface other than front, back, top, bottom) 一侧 yī cè a house with a garage built on to the side 挨着山墙建有车库的房子 to be or lie on its side 侧翻 the side of the car was badly dented in the accident 汽车一侧在车祸中严重凹陷 the houses were built side by side 这些房子成排相连 countable (surface of upright thing) paintings on the side of the cave wall 洞壁上的绘画 a deep slash in the side of the tyre 轮胎壁上一道深深的划口 the party had to bivouac on the side of the mountain 这一行人只好在山坡上宿营 countable (edge) 边缘 biānyuán at the side of the bed 在床边 by the side of the road 在路边 over the side of the ship 到船舷外 from side to side 从一边到另一边 the campus stretches for four miles from side to side 校园横跨4英里 countable Mathematics (boundary of figure) biān countable (part of body of person, animal) 肋部 lèibù she was lying on her side 她侧卧着 countable (area next to person) 旁边 pángbiān at or by sb's side; 在某人旁边 she stayed by his side through thick and thin 她和他相濡以沫,同甘共苦 on sb's left(-hand)/right(-hand) side 在某人左边/右边 side by side (close together) 肩并肩 figurative (supporting each other) 休戚与共 xiūqī yǔgòng figurative (at the same time, alongside each other) 同时 tóngshí we have been using both systems, side by side, for two years 两年来我们一直同时使用这两套系统 to get on the right/wrong side of sb 讨得某人欢心/惹恼某人 he tilted his head to one side 他把头歪向一边 to put or leave sth on or to one side (put aside) 把某物放在一边 (leave to be dealt with later) 暂时搁置某事 countable (cut of meat) 半边肋肉 bànbiān lèi ròu a side of beef 一扇牛肉 countable (half, part) 一边 yībiān the sunny side of the street 街道朝阳的一边 the driver's/passenger's side of a car 车上司机/乘客的一边 to drive on the left/right side of the road 靠道路左边/右边开车 the left/right side of the brain 大脑的左/右半球 the far/near side 较远/较近的一边 he was on the far side of the room 他在房间的另一边 the debit/credit side Finance 借方/贷方 the north/south side of the town 城镇的南区/北区 the right/wrong side 社会上层/底层 the arts/science side figurative 艺术/科学领域 on the side informal (as a sideline) 作为兼职 (in addition, illegally) 秘密地 mìmì de (mainly US) (serving of food) 作为配菜 zuòwéi pèicài a club sandwich with French fries on the side 配有炸薯条的总会三明治 to have a bit on the side informal 有情人 people on both sides of the Atlantic 大西洋两岸的人们 from side to side 从一边到另一边 the rope swung from side to side 绳子荡来荡去 to take sb on or to one side 把某人拉到一边 to be on the safe side 稳妥起见 to be (a bit) on the big/small/high/low side informal (有点)偏大/偏小/偏高/偏低 to be on the right/wrong side of forty informal humorous 不到/超过40岁 this side of sth (in position) 某物这边 (in time) 某时间以前 the bank is this side of the station 银行在车站这边 this side of midnight 午夜前 the best coffee this side of Brazil informal 可与巴西咖啡媲美的最好咖啡 before noun (secondary) 附带的 fùdài de benefit countable (direction) 方向 fāngxiàng we were being attacked on or from all sides 我们四面受敌 devastation on every side 全面的破坏 countable (group, individual) [对抗双方中的] 一方 yīfāng the government/opposition side 执政方/反对方 faults on both sides 双方的过错 to change sides, to go over to the other side 改变立场 the two sides agreed to resume border talks 两国同意重开边界谈判 the right/wrong side 正确/错误的一方 to be on sb's side, to be on the side of sb; 站在某人一边 to have right on one's side 有理 to have time on one's side 还有时间 time is on sb's side 某人还有时间 to take sides with sb, to take sb's side; 站在某人一边 he tried not to take sides in the dispute 他在这一争端中尽量不偏不倚 countable (position, point of view) 一方的立场 yīfāng de lìchǎng I'd like to hear your side of the story 我想听一听你的说法 try to see it from my side 试着从我的立场看问题 countable British Sport 运动队 yùndòngduì the England/Brazil or English/Brazilian side 英格兰队/巴西队 seven-a-side rugby 七人制橄榄球 the home/away side 主队/客队 the winning/losing side 胜队/负队 the defending/attacking side 防守方/进攻方 countable (aspect) 方面 fāngmiàn all sides of the problem 问题的各个方面 the seamy side of life 生活的阴暗面 countable (line of descent) 血统 xuètǒng on sb's side; 在某人血统一方 she's a cousin on my father's side 她是我堂姐 she gets her good looks from her mother's side 她的美貌是从母亲那里遗传来的 uncountable British informal (arrogance) 傲慢 àomàn there was absolutely no side to him 他一点架子也没有 uncountable (mainly British) (in billiards, snooker, etc.) 侧旋 cèxuán B. transitive verb «hill, structure» 形成…的侧翼 xíngchéng… de cèyì valley, streetC. -sided combining form 有…面的 yǒu… miàn de a six-sided body 六面体 a glass-sided container 玻璃面容器 PHRASAL VERBS side against transitive verb [side against sb] 反对 fǎnduì as usual the government has sided against the workers 政府和往常一样站在了工人的对立面 to side with sb against sb; 和某人一道与某人作对 side with transitive verb [side with sb] 支持 zhīchí




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