

词汇 sideline
sideline | BrE ˈsʌɪdlʌɪn, AmE ˈsaɪdˌlaɪn | A. noun (secondary job) 兼职 jiānzhí (secondary products) 兼售的货品 jiān shòu de huòpǐn he sells clothes as a sideline 他兼售服装 Sport 边线 biānxiàn B. sidelines plural noun the sidelines 场外区域 chǎngwài qūyù on the sidelines figurative 从旁观者的角度 cóng pángguānzhě de jiǎodù as a reporter, I was on the sidelines during the attack 作为一名记者,我见证了这次袭击 C. transitive verb Sport 使…退出比赛 shǐ… tuìchū bǐsài playerto be sidelined; 被停赛 (remove from centre of activity) 把…排除在外 bǎ… páichú zàiwài person




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