

词汇 signal
signal | BrE ˈsɪɡn(ə)l, AmE ˈsɪɡnəl | A. noun (gesture, sound) 信号 xìnhào to give or send a signal 发出信号 a signal to do sth; 做某事的信号 the policeman raised his hand as a signal to stop 警察举手示意停车 the signal for violent protest 强烈抗议的信号 (indication) 标志 biāozhì the rise in inflation is a clear signal that government policies are not working 通货膨胀率的上升清楚地表明政府的决策不起作用 a signal of or about sth; 某事物的标志 is this white paper a signal of a change in government thinking? 这份白皮书是否标志着政府思路的转变? chest pains can be a warning signal of heart disease 胸部疼痛可能是心脏病的警示信号 Railways 信号灯 xìnhàodēng Radio, Television, Electronics 讯号 xùnhào to send/transmit a signal 发出/传输讯号 to receive or pick up a signal 收到讯号 B. transitive verb present participle etc. signalling signalled British signaling signaled US (show by signal) «person, ship» 传达 chuándá intention, message; Sport «referee» 示意 shìyì free kick, penaltythe yellow light signals ‘proceed with caution’ 黄灯表示“小心前行” the referee signalled a foul 裁判示意犯规 to signal sth to sb; 向某人示意某事 to signal to do sth; 示意做某事 to signal which/what/where …; 示意哪一个/什么/哪里… you must signal which way you are going to turn 转向前一定要打信号 to signal right/left 打左转/右转信号 figurative (indicate) «situation, decision, attitude» 表明 biǎomíng shift, determination, intention figurative (mark) «event, statement» 标志 biāozhì beginning, stageC. intransitive verb present participle etc. signalling signalled British signaling signaled US 发信号 fā xìnhào he was signalling frantically 他发疯似地比画着 you didn't signal! Motor Vehicles 你没打转向灯! I signalled for him to bring the bill 我示意他把账单拿来 D. adjective attributive 极大的 jí dà de triumph, failure, disaster




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