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词汇 speak
speak | BrE spiːk, AmE spik | A. intransitive verb past tense spoke past participle spoken (talk) 说话 shuōhuà please speak more slowly 请说得再慢一点 sorry, did you speak? 抱歉,你说话了吗? she got up without speaking 她一声不吭站了起来 she speaks so beautifully 她说话非常动听 to speak in a loud/deep/soft voice 高声/低声/轻声说话 to speak in a whisper/monotone 耳语/声音单调地说话 she spoke with a broad Irish accent/without a trace of an accent 她说话爱尔兰口音很重/不带一点口音 to speak in Hindi 说印地语 permission to speak, sir! 长官,请允许我发言! speak when you're spoken to! 别人跟你说话你再开口! who's speaking, please? (on telephone) 请问是哪位? this is Jason speaking (on telephone) 我是贾森 can I speak to Mr Brown? — speaking (on telephone) 我找布朗先生──我就是 this is your captain speaking 我是本次航班的机长 to speak in public 公开讲话 to speak to sb; 对某人说 speak to me, Albert! 你倒是说话呀,艾伯特! I am speaking to you from the People's Square (radio announcer) 我在人民广场向大家报道 don't you speak to me like that/in that tone! 不许你那样/用那种语气对我说话! to speak about or of sth/sb; 谈起某事物/某人 the person you were speaking of 你刚才说到的那个人 the book speaks of betrayal 这本书讲述的是背叛的故事 speaking of lunch/Simon, … 说到午餐/西蒙,… to speak well or highly of sb/sth 对某人/某事物评价很高 she's well spoken of in academic circles 她在学术界口碑很好 to speak about or of doing sth; 提及做某事 he spoke of selling the house 他说到了卖房子的事情 speaking as a parent, …; 作为家长来说,… to speak or speaking personally, I … 就我个人而言,… she was speaking personally 她在表达个人看法 do you mind if I speak technically or scientifically for a moment? 你介意我说两句行话吗? politically/sociologically speaking 从政治上/社会学角度讲 metaphorically speaking 打个比方 generally/roughly/strictly or properly speaking 一般/粗略/严格说来 no X to speak of (very little, if any) 几乎没有X (no X worth mentioning) X不值一提 had any complaints? — none to speak of 有什么不满意的吗?──那倒说不上 nothing/nobody to speak of 没什么大不了的事物/了不得的人 there's nothing to speak of on television tonight 今晚电视没什么好节目 not to speak of … 更不用说… so to speak 可以说 (converse) 谈话 tánhuà they're not speaking (to each other) 他们谁也不和谁说话了 would you prefer it if we spoke in Russian? 我们用俄语交谈好吗? to speak about or of sth/sb; 谈论某事物/某人 we spoke of this and that 我们谈天说地 to speak to or (mainly US) with sb about sth; 和某人谈某事物 who was that you were speaking to? 你刚才在和谁说话? I won't speak to her again 我再也不和她说话了 I need to speak to him urgently 我有急事要跟他谈 I don't know them to speak to 我知道他们,但没说过话 to speak through an interpreter/a solicitor 通过传译员交谈/事务律师来交涉 (make a speech) 发言 fāyán to rise to speak 起立发言 are you speaking at the conference? 你要在会上发言吗? to speak in the Assembly/House/Senate 在州议会/众议院/参议院发言 to speak (to sb) about or on sth; (对某人)发言讲述某事 to speak on or about cultural diversity 作文化多样性方面的演讲 to speak against/in favour of sth; 发言反对/赞成某事物 figurative (express sth) «scene, gesture» 有意义 yǒu yìyì this poem speaks to me in a very special way 这首诗向我传达了很特别的意义 the story spoke to him directly 这个故事触动了他 that look spoke louder than any words could have done 那个表情胜过千言万语 B. transitive verb past tense spoke past participle spoken (communicate in) shuō languagecan or do you speak Chinese? 你会说汉语吗? ‘French/Italian spoken’ “本处说法语/意大利语” English as it is spoken 英语口语 we don't speak the same language literal 我们语言不通 figurative 我们没有共同语言 wǒmen méiyǒu gòngtóng yǔyán (utter) 说出 shuōchū name; 念出 niànchū line, poemto speak the truth 说真话 to speak one's mind 说心里话 C. -speak combining form informal 行话 hánghuà computer/management/lawyer-speak 计算机业/管理界/律师的行话 PHRASAL VERBS speak for transitive verb [speak for sb/sth] (on behalf of) 为…讲话 wèi… jiǎnghuà person, organizationto speak for the working classes 代表劳动阶级 I think I speak for everyone here when I say … 当我说…时,我认为是反映了在场所有人的心声 speaking for myself … 就我而言… speak for yourself! 那只是说你自己吧! let her speak for herself 让她自己说 he's old enough to speak for himself 他不小了,可以自己表达意见了 the facts speak for themselves 事实不言自明 to be spoken for; (be reserved) 被预订 (be engaged) 已订婚 yǐ dìnghūn he's spoken for 他已名草有主 speak out intransitive verb (say what one thinks) 表明意见 biǎomíng yìjiàn ; (speak openly) 公开宣布 gōngkāi xuānbù he's not afraid to speak out 他不怕畅所欲言 to speak out about or on sth; 表明对某事物的看法 to speak out against/in favour of sth; 公然反对/赞成某事物 speak to: transitive verb [speak to sb] (reprimand, advise) 责备 zébèi to speak to sb about sth; 就某事数落某人 [speak to sth] (talk about) 谈论 tánlùn please speak to the point 请不要走题 speak up intransitive verb (talk louder) 大声说话 dàshēng shuōhuà please speak up! 请大点声讲! (dare to talk) 大胆讲话 dàdǎn jiǎnghuà nobody spoke up 没人敢说话 to speak up for sb/sth; 为某人/某事物仗义执言




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