

词汇 talk
talk | BrE tɔːk, AmE tɔk | A. intransitive verb (speak, converse) 谈话 tánhuà to talk to or with sb (about sth); (就某事物)与某人谈话 to talk to oneself; 自言自语 to talk about or of or on sb/sth; 谈论某人/某事物 to know what one is talking about informal 精于此道 he hasn't a clue what he's talking about 他不谙此道 he's talking about or of getting a job 他说的是找工作的事 look or listen who's talking!, you can or can't talk! informal 你还有脸说别人! to talk away 说个不停 to talk for the sake of talking 为了说话而说话 to love to hear oneself talk 喜欢夸夸其谈 he kept me talking for an hour! 他没完没了地同我谈了一个小时! talk about … informal 这才叫… [用于表示所说之事非常明显]talk about mean/trouble/stupid/expensive! 这才叫吝啬/麻烦/愚蠢/贵呢! talking of films/holidays 说到电影/假期 I don't think it's going to be easy — you're talking about at least eight hours' work 我觉得这件事不容易──至少要花8个小时 it's easy or all right for you/her to talk! informal 你/她说得容易! now you're talking! informal 你这话就对了! (have the power of speech) 能说话 néng shuōhuà can your little boy talk yet? 你的小儿子会说话了吗? derogatory (gossip) 说闲话 shuō xiánhuà to give people something to talk about 给人们留下谈资 to be or get oneself talked about 招人议论 (give information under coercion) 招供 zhāogòng to make sb talk 使某人招供 the prisoner refused to talk 囚犯拒绝交待 B. transitive verb (discuss) 谈论 tánlùn business, politics, sport (express in speech) shuō you're talking sense! 你说的话有道理! to talk rubbish or nonsense 说废话 we're talking £2 million/three years informal 这将花费200万英镑/3年 we're talking a huge investment/a major project informal 这关系到一笔巨大的投资/一个大项目 (persuade) to talk sb into/out of doing sth; 说服某人做/不要做某事 shuōfú mǒu rén zuò/bùyào zuò mǒu shì (speak in language) jiǎng English, Chinese, French (bring into certain condition) 讲得 jiǎng de he talked himself hoarse/to a standstill! 他讲得声音都嘶哑了/精疲力竭! he's hoping to talk himself out of trouble 他希望力陈理由以摆脱麻烦 to talk oneself or one's way into/out of sth/doing sth 靠能说会道使自己做/免于做某事 to talk one's head off informal 说个不停 to talk sb's head off informal 唠叨得使某人感到厌烦 C. noun countable (conversation) 谈话 tánhuà a formal/an informal talk 正式/非正式谈话 to have a talk with sb (about sb/sth) (就某人/某事物)同某人交谈 a heart-to-heart talk 谈心 uncountable (talking) 说话 shuōhuà small/sweet/baby talk 闲聊/甜言蜜语/儿语 fast or double talk 花言巧语 blunt or plain or straight talk 直截了当的话 too much talk and not enough action! 说得多做得少! to be all talk (and no action) 光说不做 nothing but/a whole lot of talk 尽是/全是空谈 uncountable (rumours) 谣言 yáoyán ; (gossip) 闲话 xiánhuà idle/loose talk 闲话/信口乱说 the talk of the town 街谈巷议 talk about or of sb/sth; 有关某人/某事物的传闻 countable (lecture) 讲座 jiǎngzuò ; (speech) 演讲 yǎnjiǎng an academic/informal talk 学术/非正式演讲 a talk on or about deep-sea fishing/acupuncture 关于深海捕鱼/针灸的讲座 to give/have a talk; 作演说/听讲座 a talk on radio/TV 广播/电视演说 D. talks plural noun (formal discussions) 商谈 shāngtán pay/disarmament/peace/arms talks 工资/裁军/和平/军备谈判 to conduct or hold talks 举行会谈 talks about sth; 有关某事物的会谈 talks between sb and sb; 某人与某人之间的洽谈 PHRASAL VERBS talk at transitive verb [talk at sb] 对…大发议论 duì… dà fā yìlùn talk back intransitive verb 回嘴 huízuǐ to talk back to sb; 对某人顶嘴 don't you talk back to me like that! 不许你这样和我顶嘴! talk down A. transitive verb [talk sb down] (silence) (by talking loudly) 高声讲话盖过 gāoshēng jiǎnghuà gàiguo ; (talking persistently) 说个不停不让…插话 shuō gè bù tíng bù ràng… chāhuà Aviation (guide) 引导…着陆 yǐndǎo… zhuólù aircraftground control talked the pilot down in thick fog 地面控制人员引导飞行员在浓雾中着陆 B. intransitive verb 高高在上地说话 gāogāo zài shàng de shuōhuà to talk down to sb; 以高人一等的口气对某人说话 talk out transitive verb [talk sth out] (discuss, resolve by discussion) 协商解决 xiéshāng jiějué British Politics (prevent passing of) 通过冗长发言阻止…通过 tōngguò rǒngcháng fāyán zǔzhǐ… tōngguò billtalk over: transitive verb [talk sb over] (persuade) 说服 shuōfú we talked them over to our way of thinking/to doing it our way 我们说服他们同意我们的看法/按照我们的方式行事 (discuss) to talk sth over (with sb); (和某人)讨论某事 (hé mǒu rén)tǎolùn mǒu shì we must talk the matter over 我们必须把这件事议一议 talk round (mainly British): transitive verb [talk sb round] (persuade) 说服 shuōfú to talk sb round to sth/doing sth; 说服某人赞同某事物/做某事 to talk sb round to our way of thinking/to doing it our way 说服某人同意我们的看法/按照我们的方式行事 [talk round sth] (skirt around) 不着边际地谈 bù zhuó biānjì de tán talk through transitive verb [talk sth through] 谈透 tántòu talk up transitive verb [talk sb/sth up] 吹捧 chuīpěng




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