

词汇 tank
tank | BrE taŋk, AmE tæŋk | A. noun (container) [贮放液体或气体的] 容器 róngqì a tank of tropical fish 一缸热带鱼 a hot-water/fuel tank 热水箱/燃料箱 a developing tank Photography 显影槽 (contents) 一箱 yī xiāng a tank of petrol British or gas US 一箱汽油 Military 坦克 tǎnkè a tank offensive 坦克攻击 tank tracks in the mud 泥地里的坦克辙 (reservoir) (人工)蓄水池 (réngōng)xùshuǐchí B. intransitive verb (mainly US) informal «company, stock market» 遭受重创 zāoshòu zhòngchuāng ; «show, film» 惨败 cǎnbài PHRASAL VERB tank up A. transitive verb [tank sth up, tankup sth] (with fuel) 给…加满油 gěi… jiāmǎn yóu vehicleBritish informal (with alcohol, drugs) to get tanked up 喝高了 hēgāole B. intransitive verb (with fuel) «vehicle» 加满油 jiāmǎn yóu informal (with alcohol) 喝醉 hēzuì ; (with drugs) 吸食过量 xīshí guòliàng




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