

bàn A. verb 办理do 办护照 apply for a passport 办手续 go through procedures 把好事办成了坏事 make a mess of an otherwise good thing 这是他经办的。 He was in charge of this. 办法, 办公, 办理 置备get sth ready 办嫁妆 prepare sb’s dowry 办酒席 prepare a feast 备办, 置办 惩罚bring to justice 首恶必办。 The chief culprit must be brought to justice. 惩办, 法办 经营run 办合资企业 set up a joint venture 办农场 run a farm 出资办学 sponsor a school B. noun office 党办 Party committee office 房改办 housing reform office 外办




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