

词汇 sample
sample | BrE ˈsɑːmp(ə)l, AmE ˈsæmpəl | A. noun (of product) 样品 yàngpǐn ; (for test) 抽样 chōuyàng to take a sample (of sth) (对某物)进行取样 free samples 免费试用品 sample questions 样题 Medicine 试样 shìyàng a blood/urine sample 血样/尿样 (of population, voters, etc.) 样本 yàngběn a representative/limited sample 代表性/有限样本 a random sample 随机样本 B. transitive verb (try) 品尝 pǐncháng food, wineto sample the pleasure of being waited on 体验被人服侍的快乐 (get a representative judgement of) 抽样调查 chōuyàng diàochá product, opinion, market




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