

词汇 satisfactory
satisfactory | BrE satɪsˈfakt(ə)ri, AmE ˌsædəsˈfæktəri | adjective (good enough) 令人满意的 lìng rén mǎnyì de to be satisfactory to sb; 令某人满意 the solution is less than satisfactory 这个解决方案不尽如人意 to bring a matter to a satisfactory conclusion 使事情有圆满的结局 this product should reach you in a satisfactory condition 本产品交货时应完好无损 (acceptable) 尚可的 shàng kě de achievement, arrangement, state of health, performance, producther condition was said to be satisfactory Medicine 据说她的健康状况还可以 his school report says his work is satisfactory but not good 成绩报告单上说他的功课尚好,但并不出色




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