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词汇 stop
stop | BrE stɒp, AmE stɑp | A. intransitive verb present participle stopping past tense, past participle stopped (cease moving) 停住 tíngzhù stop or I'll shoot! 站住,否则我要开枪了! the car stopped at the traffic lights 汽车在交通信号灯前停下来 (not continue, end) 停止 tíngzhǐ we'll work until seven and then stop for the day 我们将工作到7点,然后今天就不干了 the bus service stops at midnight 公交车午夜收车 the rain seems to be stopping 雨好像要停了 the bleeding's stopped 血止住了 without stopping 毫不停歇地 not to know when to stop 不知道适可而止 to stop at nothing (to do sth) 不择手段(做某事) (pause for short time) 暂停 zàntíng I’m hungry, let’s stop for lunch 我饿了,我们停下来吃午饭吧 people just don’t stop to think about the consequences of their actions 人们做事情就是不肯停下来想想他们行为的后果 he stopped and bought some flowers 他停下来买了一些花 British informal (stay) 停留 tíngliú we stopped two days in Paris on the way back 我们回来时在巴黎停留了两天 will they be stopping for dinner? 他们会留下来吃晚饭吗? I'd love to stop and chat, but I'm late already 我很愿意留下来聊聊,可是我已经迟到了 Transport (make scheduled halt) 靠站 kàozhàn main-line trains stop at platform 5 干线火车停靠第5站台 (cease operating) 停止运转 tíngzhǐ yùnzhuǎn my watch has stopped 我的表停了 I felt as if my heart had stopped 我觉得好像我的心都不跳了 B. transitive verb present participle stopping past tense, past participle stopped (halt action of, put an end to) 使停止 shǐ tíngzhǐ we were stopped by the police for speeding 我们因为超速被警察截住了 to stop an engine 使发动机停转 to stop the clock 停止计时 stop me if I’m boring you 你要觉得我烦就打断我 the pistol will stop a man at 30 metres 这把手枪能把距离30米远的人撂倒 rain stopped play 因雨停赛 I can't stop the bleeding 我止不住血 strikes have stopped production in several factories 罢工已经造成好几家工厂停产 (quit) 停止 tíngzhǐ to stop smoking 戒烟 he never stops talking 他总是说个没完 please stop crying and tell me what’s wrong 快别哭了,告诉我出了什么事 stop it! you're hurting me 住手!你把我弄疼了 I'm stopping my subscription as from next month 我将从下月起停止订阅 (prevent) 阻止 zǔzhǐ to stop pollution 防止污染 I'm leaving and you can't stop me! 我要走,你拦不住我! how can I stop this bowl (from) leaking? 我怎样才能让这个碗不漏呢? (refuse to provide) 停止提供 tíngzhǐ tígōng to stop sb's salary 停发某人的薪水 British (deduct) 扣除 kòuchú they've stopped the money out of my wages 他们从我的工资里扣除了那笔钱 British (withhold payment on) 止付 zhǐ fù cheque informal (be hit by) 被…击中 bèi… jīzhòng bullethe stopped one just as he was climbing out of the trench 他爬出战壕时被一颗子弹击中 (plug) 堵塞 dǔsè to stop a bottle 把瓶子塞住 to stop one's ears 捂住耳朵 Music (press down or cover with finger) 按住 ànzhù string, holeC. noun (halt) 停止 tíngzhǐ they worked six hours without a stop 他们连续工作了6个小时 in stops and starts 时断时续地 she brought the car to a stop 她停下了车 work on the project is at or has come to a full stop 这个项目的工作完全停了下来 to put a stop to sth 结束某事 (short break in journey) 停留 tíngliú we had or made a short stop for coffee 我们曾短暂停下来喝咖啡 we made an overnight stop in Hong Kong 我们在香港停留过夜 Transport (stopping place) 车站 chēzhàn I'm getting off at the next stop 我在下一站下车 it's about two stops farther on 还要过去大约两站路 British dated (punctuation mark) 标点符号 biāodiǎn fúhào [尤指句号] (in telegrams) [句号的代字]meet you at the airport stop 在机场接你,句号 (object preventing movement) 止动器 zhǐdòngqì the door was pushed back on to the stop 门被推开固定在门吸上 Music (knob on organ) 音栓 yīnshuān to pull out all the stops (to do sth) informal (try one's utmost) 竭尽全力(做某事) (go to a lot of trouble) 煞费苦心(做某事) Music (set of organ pipes) 音管 yīnguǎn Photography (aperture) 光圈 guāngquān D. to stop oneself reflexive verb present participle stopping past tense, past participle stopped (prevent oneself) 阻止自己 zǔzhǐ zìjǐ I nearly fell, but I stopped myself 我差点跌倒,不过我稳住了我自己 to stop oneself doing or British from doing sth; 阻止自己做某事 zǔzhǐ zìjǐ zuò mǒu shì he couldn't stop himself from thinking about it 他忍不住去想这件事 she had to grab on to a crate to stop herself overbalancing 她只得抓住一个板条箱,以使自己保持平衡 (restrain oneself) 克制自己 kèzhì zìjǐ I couldn't stop myself 我忍不住 wǒ rěnbuzhù to stop oneself doing or British from doing sth; 克制自己不做某事 kèzhì zìjǐ bù zuò mǒu shì he tried to stop himself from telling her 他努力忍住不告诉她 I had to stop myself laughing out loud 我只好忍住不大声笑出来 I tried to stop myself (from) crying 我努力忍住不哭 wǒ nǔlì rěnzhù bù kū I only just stopped myself giving the game away 我勉强没有泄露秘密 PHRASAL VERBS stop away intransitive verb British informal (not go) 不去 bù qù if you stop away from lectures, you may fail the exams 如果你不去上课,就可能会考试不及格 (not come) 不来 bù lái to stop away from sth; 不来某处 stop behind intransitive verb British informal 留下 liúxia I had to stop behind after school 我不得不在放学之后留下 to stop behind to do sth; 留下来做某事 stop by A. intransitive verb 顺路造访 shùnlù zàofǎng I’ll stop by this evening for a chat/at his place 今晚我想过去聊聊/顺路去他家坐坐 B. transitive verb [stop by sth] 顺路造访 shùnlù zàofǎng could you stop by the shop on the way home for some bread? 你回家时顺路到那家店买些面包好吗? we stopped by her house to give her the tickets 我们顺便到她家去把票给她 stop down transitive verb [stop sth down, stop down sth] 缩小…的光圈 suōxiǎo… de guāngquān lens; 缩小 suōxiǎo aperturestop in intransitive verb British informal (stay in) 待在家里 dāi zài jiā li (call in) 顺路造访 shùnlù zàofǎng he stopped in to buy some bread on his way home 回家路上他顺便去买了一些面包 stop off intransitive verb 中途停留 zhōngtú tíngliú we stopped off at a hotel for the night 我们中途停下来在一家旅馆过夜 stop out intransitive verb British informal 夜里很晚不回家 yèli hěn wǎn bù huíjiā to stop out all night 整夜不回家 stop over intransitive verb (break journey) 中途停留 zhōngtú tíngliú I wanted to stop over in India on the way to Australia 去澳大利亚的途中我想在印度稍作停留 British informal (stay over) 过夜 guòyè stop up A. transitive verb [stop sth up, stop up sth] 堵塞 dǔsè hole, openingthe drainpipe was stopped up with leaves 排水管被树叶堵住了 B. intransitive verb British informal 熬夜 áoyè to stop up to see the New Year in 熬夜等待新年的到来




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