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词汇 story
story | BrE ˈstɔːri, AmE ˈstɔri | noun (tale) 故事 gùshi to tell/read (sb) a story (给某人)讲/读故事 stories of ancient Greece 古希腊故事 the story of Robin Hood 罗宾汉的传说 the story goes that … 据说… she never saw him again, or so the story goes 她再也没有见到他,或者据说如此 (account) 对往事的叙述 duì wǎngshì de xùshù the true story is that … 事情的真相是… he told us the story of his life 他给我们讲述了他的生平经历 the story of the Beatles 披头士乐队的来龙去脉 there are two sides to every story figurative 每个故事都可以从两个方面看 to have similar stories 有相似的经历 to tell the same story 有相同的经历 it's a long story informal 说来话长 to cut British or make US a long story short informal 长话短说 a likely story! informal ironic 听上去像是那么回事! that's the story of my life informal 我就是这个命 (version) 陈述 chénshù we must stick to our story about the accident 对事故的说法我们必须一口咬定 singular (situation) 情况 qíngkuàng the whole or full story 全部情况 only part or half of the story 只是部分情况 it's the same old story, it's always the same story 还是老一套 many years later I returned to Africa, but that’s another story 多年后我又重返非洲,不过这是后话了 in public the couple were all smiles; in private it was a different story 这对夫妻在公开场合满面笑容,私下里则完全两样 Journalism 新闻报道 xīnwén bàodào an exclusive story on or about sth 有关某事物的独家报道 the incident will make a good story 这一事件将成为新闻报道的好题材 to carry or run a story 刊登一篇报道 (plot, events) 情节 qíngjié a film with a good story to it 情节精彩的电影 the story was taken from a Russian novel 故事情节取材自一部俄罗斯小说 the story is set in Normandy 故事发生的背景是诺曼底 informal (lie) 谎言 huǎngyán to tell stories 撒谎 to make up or invent a story (about sb/sth) 编造(关于某人/某事物的)谎言 (rumour) 谣传 yáochuán all sorts of stories about him are going round the office 办公室里流传着关于他的种种流言 US (floor) = storey




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