

词汇 straight
straight | BrE streɪt, AmE streɪt | A. adjective (not bent, curved, curly, wavy) 直的 zhí de a straight line/road 直线/直路 she has long, straight hair 她的头发又长又直 (not flared or close-fitting) 直筒式的 zhítǒngshì de a straight skirt 直筒裙 (going direct to target) 正中目标的 zhèngzhōng mùbiāo de a straight punch to the face 不偏不倚打在脸上的一拳 (properly positioned) 平正的 píngzheng de your tie isn't straight 你的领带不正 the walls aren't straight 墙不平 to keep or have a straight face 板着脸 usually predicative (neat and tidy) 整洁的 zhěngjié de it took hours to get or put the house straight 用了好半天才把房子收拾好 usually predicative (in order) 有条理的 yǒu tiáolǐ de to get or put sth straight 把某物整理好 predicative (clear) 清楚明了的 qīngchu míngliǎo de to get sth straight 把某事弄清楚 to put or set things or matters straight 将事情弄清楚 to put or set the record straight 澄清事实 to put or set sb straight (about sth) 纠正某人(对某事物)的错误认识 (honest, direct) 坦率的 tǎnshuài de it's time for some straight talking 现在该开诚布公地谈一谈了 I don’t think you’re being straight with me 我觉得你没有跟我坦诚相见 (involving only two) 仅涉及两者的 jǐn shèjí liǎngzhě de it was a straight choice between taking the job and staying out of work 要么接受这份工作,要么继续失业,此外别无选择 the election was a straight fight between the two main parties 那次选举是两大政党的直接交锋 (outright) 完全的 wánquán de he issued a straight denial of all charges 他发表声明,断然否认了所有的指控 that's straight dishonesty 那是纯粹的欺诈 attributive (serious) 严肃的 yánsù de actor, role, play attributive (consecutive) 连续的 liánxù de the team has had five straight wins 该队已经连赢了5场比赛 attributive (involving every subject) 每门科目的 měi mén kēmù de to get or earn straight As 成绩全优 a straight A student 全优生 (undiluted) 纯的 chún de whisky, brandy informal (heterosexual) 异性恋的 yìxìngliàn de informal (not criminal) 规规矩矩的 guīguījuju de person informal derogatory (conventional) 正统的 zhèngtǒng de person informal (not on drugs) 不吸毒的 bù xīdú de predicative informal (quits, even) 扯平的 chěpíng de if I give you $10, we'll be straight 如果我给你10美元,我们就两清了 to get oneself straight (with sb) 还清欠(某人)的钱 B. adverb (in direct line) 笔直地 bǐzhí de she held her arm out straight 她把胳膊伸直 to go straight ahead 一直往前走 to look sb straight in the eye 直视某人 she drove straight into a tree 她开车一头撞在了树上 this wind is terrible; it goes straight through you 这场风太大,把人都吹透了 (without delay) 立即 lìjí to go straight home 直接回家 I was so tired, I went straight to bed 我太累,径直上床睡了 to come straight to the point 开门见山 you shouldn't go swimming straight after a meal 你不应该一吃完饭就去游泳 straight off informal (immediately) 立即 lìjí (without hesitation) 毫不犹豫地 he drank it straight off 他一口把它喝了 (in proper position) 端正地 duānzhèng de stand up straight! 站直了! she pulled her hat straight 她把帽子拉正 (clearly) 清楚地 qīngchu de I can't see/think straight 我看/想不清楚 (honestly and directly) 坦率地 tǎnshuài de to give it to sb straight informal 对某人实话实说 straight out informal 直截了当地 to play straight with sb informal 跟某人坦诚相见 to play it straight 诚实无欺 you'd better be playing it straight 你最好别耍花招 to go straight «criminal» 改邪归正 (continuously) 连续地 liánxù de they had been working for 16 hours straight 他们一连工作了16个小时 (seriously) (in drama, film, etc.) 严肃地 yánsù de play, act (neat) 不掺杂地 bù chānzá de to drink one's whisky straight 喝纯威士忌酒 C. noun informal (heterosexual) 异性恋者 yìxìngliànzhě informal derogatory (conventional person) 正统的人 zhèngtǒng de rén singular (mainly British) (of road, racetrack) 直道 zhídào the straight and narrow 诚实正当的生活 to keep sb on the straight and narrow 让某人走正路 to keep to/get back on the straight and narrow 走正路/改邪归正 Games (in poker) 顺子 shùnzi




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