

词汇 straighten out
straighten out A. intransitive verb «road, stem» 变直 biànzhí B. [straighten sth out, straighten out sth] transitive verb (stop being bent or curved) 使变直 shǐ biànzhí she sat down, straightening out one leg 她伸着一条腿坐了下来 he untwisted the wire and straightened it out 他解开缠绕的电线后又把它拉直 (sort out) 清理 qīnglǐ I need time to straighten out the mess 我需要时间来收拾这个烂摊子 to straighten out a misunderstanding 澄清误会 C. [straighten sb out, straighten out sb] transitive verb informal (help to behave better) 帮…改进 bāng… gǎijìn I used to eat loads of junk food, but my husband straightened me out 我过去经常吃大量垃圾食品,但我的丈夫帮我改掉了这个习惯 to straighten oneself out 改过自新 (help to understand the real situation) 为…解除困惑 wèi… jiěchú kùnhuò she straightened me out about a lot of things 她帮我弄清楚了很多事情




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