

词汇 tonic
tonic | BrE ˈtɒnɪk, AmE ˈtɑnɪk | A. noun countable and uncountable (drink) 奎宁水 kuíníngshuǐ a gin and tonic 一杯杜松子酒奎宁水 countable and uncountable Medicine 补药 bǔyào countable figurative (boost) 使精神振奋的东西 shǐ jīngshen zhènfèn de dōngxi he's a real tonic 他真是令人精神振奋 to be a tonic for sb 使某人精神一振 success is always a good tonic 成功总是令人精神振奋 countable Music 主音 zhǔyīn B. adjective (thing improving well-being) 滋补的 zībǔ de ; (thing improving vigour) 振奋精神的 zhènfèn jīngshen de a tonic effect 振奋精神的效果




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