

词汇 torture
torture | BrE ˈtɔːtʃə, AmE ˈtɔrtʃər | A. noun uncountable and countable (infliction of pain) 酷刑 kùxíng under torture 在严刑拷打之下 instruments of torture 刑具 (physical, mental suffering) 折磨 zhémó the torture of unrequited love 单相思的苦恼 these shoes are torture to wear! 这双鞋穿着真受罪! figurative (unpleasant experience) 痛苦经历 tòngkǔ jīnglì the long wait was absolute torture! 长时间的等候真是煎熬! B. transitive verb (inflict pain on) 拷问 kǎowèn some of the prisoners were tortured 有些囚犯受到了拷打 figurative 折磨 zhémó to be tortured by sth; 受…的煎熬 guilt, jealousyto torture oneself about or with sth 因某事物折磨自己




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