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词汇 toss
toss | BrE tɒs, AmE tɔs,tɑs | A. transitive verb (throw) rēng to toss sth to sb, to toss sb sth; 把某物扔给某人 to toss one's bag on to the sofa 把包扔到沙发上 can you toss me a box of matches? 扔一包火柴给我好吗? Cooking 把…抛起翻面 bǎ… pāoqǐ fān miàn pancake Cooking (stir) bàn a tossed green salad 拌好的生菜色拉 vegetables tossed in olive oil 用橄榄油拌的蔬菜 (throw back) shuǎi hairshe tossed her head and turned her back on him 她把头一甩,不再搭理他了 to toss one's fringe out of one's eyes 甩开遮眼的刘海 (flip) pāo coin; (flip coin with) 与…抛硬币决定 yǔ… pāo yìngbì juédìng personto toss sb for sth; 与某人抛硬币决定某事 I'll toss you for the last piece of cake! 我要和你抛硬币决定谁吃最后那块蛋糕! (throw up) 抛起 pāoqǐ he was chased by a bull and tossed over a hedge 他被公牛追上,然后被抛过了篱笆 (unseat) «horse» 把…甩下 bǎ… shuǎixia riderhis horse tossed him into a ditch 马把他甩到了沟里 (move violently) «waves» 使…颠簸 shǐ… diānbǒ boat; «wind» 使…摇摆 shǐ… yáobǎi trees, flowersa storm-tossed sea 风暴肆虐的大海 the branch was tossed to and fro by the wind 树枝被风吹得摇来摇去 B. intransitive verb (move restlessly) «person» 辗转反侧 zhǎnzhuǎn fǎn cè ; «trees» 摇摆 yáobǎi ; «boat» 颠簸 diānbǒ to toss from side to side/back and forth 摇来摇去/前摇后晃 to toss and turn (in bed) 辗转反侧 zhǎnzhuǎn fǎn cè (flip coin) 抛硬币 pāo yìngbì to toss to decide sth 抛硬币决定某事 to toss for sth 为某事抛硬币 we tossed for the most comfortable bed 我们抛硬币来决定谁睡最舒服的床 C. noun (throw) pāo to give sth a toss 扔某物 (flipping of coin) 抛硬币 pāo yìngbì it all hung on the toss of a coin 一切都取决于抛硬币的结果 the toss Sport [为决定场地、发球顺序等的] 抛硬币 pāo yìngbì to win/lose the toss 猜对/猜错所掷硬币朝上的那面 to argue the toss (mainly British) informal 作无谓的争执 (jerk) 甩头 shuǎi tóu with a disdainful toss of her head, she marched out of the room 她轻蔑地把头一甩,大步走出了房间 not to give a toss (about sth) British informal (对某事物)毫不在乎 PHRASAL VERBS toss about, toss around A. transitive verb [toss sth about, toss about sth] (move violently) «waves» 使…颠簸 shǐ… diānbǒ boat; «motion» 使…摇摆 shǐ… yáobǎi personwe got tossed about in the back of the van 我们坐在送货车的后部被颠来晃去 (throw) rēng ballseveral ideas were tossed about at the meeting 会议上泛泛讨论了好几个想法 B. intransitive verb «boat» 颠簸 diānbǒ toss away: transitive verb [toss sth away, toss away sth] 扔掉 rēngdiào rubbish; figurative 丢失 diūshī opportunitytoss back transitive verb [toss sth back, toss back sth] (return) 把…扔回 bǎ… rēnghuí object(jerk back) 向后甩 xiàng hòu shuǎi head, hairtoss off A. [toss sth off, toss off sth] transitive verb (dash off) (without effort) 轻松写好 qīngsōng xiěhǎo ; (without care) 草草写好 cǎocǎo xiěhǎo (drink) 把…一饮而尽 bǎ… yī yǐn ér jìn B. [toss sb off, toss off sb] transitive verb British vulgar slang (masturbate) 给…行手淫 gěi… xíng shǒuyín C. to toss oneself off reflexive verb British vulgar slang 手淫 shǒuyín toss out: transitive verb [toss sth out, toss out sth] (discard) 把…扔出去 bǎ… rēng chuqu [toss sb out, toss out sb] (eject) 赶走 gǎnzǒu ; (exclude) 排斥 páichì toss up intransitive verb 抛硬币决定 pāo yìngbì juédìng let's toss up 我们抛硬币决定吧 to toss up to decide sth 用抛硬币的方法决定某事 to toss up between A and B 在A与B之间抛硬币作出取舍




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