

词汇 clump
clump1 | BrE klʌmp, AmE kləmp | A. noun (of plants) cóng clumps of flowers 一簇簇花朵 a clump of bushes 灌木丛 (of buildings, people) qún a clump of houses 住宅群 clumps of fans 成群的追随者 (of earth) kuài a large clump of earth 一大块土 (of hair) liǔ B. transitive verb to clump (together) 使聚拢 shǐ jùlǒng to clump plants/objects together; 将植株/物件聚在一起 jiāng zhízhū/wùjiàn jù zài yīqǐ C. intransitive verb 聚集 jùjí to clump together; 聚在一起




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