

词汇 cluster
cluster | BrE ˈklʌstə, AmE ˈkləstər | A. noun (of people, houses, islands, trees) qún ; (of grapes, gems) chuàn ; (of flowers, bombs) shù ; (of ideas) Astronomy 星团 xīngtuán Statistics 数据组 shùjùzǔ Linguistics (of vowels) 元音丛 yuányīncóng ; (of consonants) 辅音丛 fǔyīncóng B. intransitive verb «people, animals» 聚集 jùjí ; «plants» 丛生 cóngshēng to cluster round or around sth; 聚在某事物周围 to cluster together; 聚在一起 C. transitive verb 使聚集 shǐ jùjí to be clustered round or around sth; 聚在某事物周围 the jewels were clustered together 珠宝集中镶嵌在一起




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