

词汇 vintage
vintage | BrE ˈvɪntɪdʒ, AmE ˈvɪn(t)ɪdʒ | A. noun countable (year, season) 酿造年份 niàngzào niánfèn an excellent vintage 好的酿酒年份 what's the vintage? 哪年的酒? countable (wine) [某年份的] 葡萄酒 pútaojiǔ ; (grapes) 葡萄 pútao the 1986 vintage 1986年酿造的葡萄酒 the great vintages 极好的年份的葡萄 uncountable figurative (era, date) 优质品生产时期 yōuzhì pǐn shēngchǎn shíqī B. adjective (high quality) 极佳年份酿造的 jí jiā niánfèn niàngzào de wine, champagne usually attributive (classic) 经典的 jīngdiǎn de film, jokeit's vintage Armstrong 这是阿姆斯特朗的经典佳作 usually attributive informal (ancient) 古老的 gǔlǎo de machine, model usually attributive Motor Vehicles [制造于1919-1930年间] 老式的 lǎoshì de car




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