

A. verb 施压力press 把子弹压进弹匣 press the cartridges into the magazine 累累的果实压弯了树枝。 The branches were weighed down by clusters of fruit. figurative 工作压得我们透不过气来。 We are swamped with work. figurative 这任务是从上面压下来的。 The task has come from above. 压制suppress 树正气,压邪气 encourage healthy trends and check unhealthy ones 以势压人 overwhelm people with one’s power 别拿大帽子压我。 Don’t intimidate me with unwarranted charges. 困难压不倒我们。 No difficulty can defeat us. 他又用顶头上司来压我了。 Once again he is trying to use our immediate superior to coerce me into submission. 压制, 欺压, 镇压 使稳定control 压着怒火 control one’s anger 把嗓门压得很低 lower one’s voice to a hiss 压住阵脚 keep things under control 吃点药压压咳嗽。 Take some medicine to ease the cough. 压台, 压阵 超越prevail over 在上半场比赛中,我们在比分上一直压着对方。 Throughout the first half of the game, our team was ahead of our opponents. 逼近close in on 敌军向我们的阵地压过来了。 The enemy troops were gaining on our position. 太阳压树梢了。 The setting sun is hovering over the treetops. 压境 积压lay aside 货压在仓库里。 The goods have piled up in the warehouse. 这份报告被压了半年。 This report was shelved for six months. figurative 这事一直压在我心上。 This has weighed heavily on my mind. 压库, 积压 risk 他把自己的前途压到这次考试上。 His future hinges on the result of this exam. 压宝, 压题B. noun pressure 加压, 减压, 变压器, 低压, 高压




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