

词汇 coast
coast | BrE kəʊst, AmE koʊst | A. noun (part of land beside sea) 海岸 hǎi'àn off the coast 在近海岸的海上 from coast to coast 在整个大陆 the coast is clear figurative 四下无人 (region) 沿海地区 yánhǎi dìqū the Atlantic coast 大西洋沿岸地区 (seaside) 海边 hǎibiān (glide) 滑行 huáxíng B. intransitive verb (freewheel) 靠惯性滑行 kào guànxìng huáxíng to coast along at 50 mph 以每小时50英里的速度滑行 (glide) 平稳行进 píngwěn xíngjìn ; figurative 不费力地前进 bù fèilì de qiánjìn to coast along; 平稳前行 figurative 顺利进展 shùnlì jìnzhǎn to coast through an exam 顺利通过考试 to coast to victory 轻松取胜




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