

词汇 coat
coat | BrE kəʊt, AmE koʊt | A. noun (garment) 外套 wàitào to put on/take off one's coat 穿上/脱下外套 cloth 1 (of woman's two piece suit) 上衣 shàngyī a matching coat and skirt 裙服套装 (of animal) 皮毛 pímáo the dog is losing its coat 那条狗正在脱毛 (layer) céng to apply a coat of sth; 覆盖一层某物 give it a/another coat (of paint) 给/再给它刷一层(涂料) B. transitive verb (cover) 覆盖 fùgài to coat sth with 给某物涂一层 paint, glueto coat biscuits in or with chocolate 在饼干上涂一层巧克力 (in manufacturing) 电镀 diàndù metal




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