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词汇 touch
touch | BrE tʌtʃ, AmE tətʃ | A. transitive verb (make physical contact with) 触碰 chùpèng person, objectdon't let the wires touch each other! 不要让两根电线相碰! ‘not to be touched’ “不可触摸” can you touch the ceiling? 你碰得到天花板吗? to touch one's toes 弯腰用手指触脚趾 I touched him on the arm to attract his attention 我碰了碰他的胳膊以引起他的注意 I never (even) touched him 我(甚至连)碰都没有碰过他 please don't touch my things! 请不要动我的东西! to touch bottom 触底 he had really touched (rock) bottom 他真是落泊到底了 the housing market has touched bottom 房市跌到了最低点 a smile touched the corners of his mouth 他的嘴角掠过一丝微笑 to touch one's hat or cap (to sb) 触帽(向某人)致敬 she wouldn't let him touch her 她不会让他碰的 to touch sb for money informal (ask for loan) 向某人借钱 (beg) 求某人给钱 (eat) chī ; (drink) ; (use) 动用 dòngyòng money, supplies, inheritanceyou've hardly touched your food 你几乎没吃东西啊 I never touch cigarettes/drugs 我从不抽烟/碰毒品 (move emotionally) 打动 dǎdòng to touch sb/sth with sth; 用某事物打动某人/某物 his death touched our hearts 他的死令我们感到悲痛 to touch sb deeply or profoundly 深深感动某人 (hurt, offend) «person, words, action» 伤害 shānghài person, feelingsyou've touched me on a tender spot 你触到了我的痛处 nerve A1 (have dealings with) 从事 cóngshì to touch sth illegal 染指非法勾当 everything she touches turns to disaster 什么事她一插手就会搞砸 I haven't touched my thesis all week 我整个星期都没碰论文 (make a difference to, have effect on) 对…起作用 duì… qǐ zuòyòng the police can't touch me 警方拿我没办法 water wouldn't touch the grass stains 水洗不掉草渍 my steak was so tough, the knife wouldn't touch it 我的牛排太老,刀子割不动 (equal in excellence) 与…媲美 yǔ… pìměi ; (rival in excellence) 比得上 bǐdeshàng there's nothing to touch mountain air for giving you an appetite 没有什么能像山上的空气那样让你胃口大开 nobody can touch him as an opening batsman 作为首发击球手,无人能与他相比 (reach) 达到 dádào level, speed, temperatureB. intransitive verb (make contact) 触碰 chùpèng keep your hands to yourself and don't touch! 管好你的手,不要乱碰! ‘do not touch’ “请勿触摸” (come together) «people, objects» 接触 jiēchù ; «areas» 接壤 jiērǎng their hands touched 他们的手碰在了一起 C. noun uncountable and countable (physical contact) 触摸 chùmō a light/delicate/gentle touch 轻轻/小心/轻柔的触摸 I felt a touch on my shoulder 我感觉有人碰了一下我的肩膀 the slightest or merest touch 轻轻的一碰 at the touch of a switch 一触开关 soft/hard/rough to the touch 摸上去柔软/坚硬/粗糙的 his ankle was painful to the touch 他的脚踝一碰就痛 he managed to get a touch on the ball 他尽力触到了球 uncountable (sense) 触觉 chùjué a highly developed sense of touch 高度发达的触觉 to read Braille by touch 通过触摸读布莱叶盲文 uncountable figurative (contact) 联系 liánxì to maintain close touch 保持密切联系 to be in touch with sb (contact) 与某人有接触 (communication) 与某人有联系 to be in touch with current trends/one's feelings 了解当前的趋势/自己的感情 to get/stay in touch (with sb) (与某人)取得/保持联系 to put sb in touch with sb 帮某人联系上某人 to be out of touch with sb (contact) 与某人没有接触 (communication) 与某人没有联系 to be out of touch with sth 不了解某事物 I've been away for some time, and I'm rather out of touch 我离开了一段日子,因此有点孤陋寡闻 to keep in/lose touch with sb (contact) 与某人保持/不再接触 (communication) 与某人保持/失去联系 to keep in touch with all the latest developments 了解所有最新的进展 to lose touch with sth 不再了解某事物 to be out of touch with reality 与现实脱节 countable singular (impression) 感觉 gǎnjué the surface has a smooth, slippery touch 表面摸上去平顺滑溜 I felt the soft touch of her dress as she passed 当她走过时,我感觉到她的连衣裙很柔软 countable (detail) (with pen, words) 润色 rùnsè ; (with brush) 修饰 xiūshì the portrait still needs a few touches to finish it off 肖像画还需要修几笔才可以完成 a humorous/clever touch 幽默的笔触/灵巧的一笔 to put or add the finishing or final touch(es) (to sth) (为某物)润色 I must put the finishing touches to my report 我必须润色一下我的报告 countable (trace, element) 些许 xiēxǔ a touch of sarcasm/colour/garlic 一丝讽刺/一抹颜色/一点大蒜 to have a touch of flu/the sun 染上轻度流感/轻微中暑 there's a touch of class about everything he does 他做的每件事情都有点派头 it's a touch colder today 今天稍微冷一点 it's a touch too hot 有点太烫了 add a touch less/more salt next time 下次少加/多加一点盐 countable singular (manner, method) 风格 fēnggé a feminine touch 女性气息 the touch of a master, the master's touch 大师风范 he lacks a human touch 他缺少人情味 countable singular (skill) 才能 cáinéng the touch of genius 天赋的才能 to lose/find one's touch 失去/找回平日的技能 I must be losing my touch 我的技艺肯定在走下坡路 to have the right touch with sb/sth 对某人/某物有一套 that inimitable Spielberg touch 那种无法仿效的斯皮尔伯格风格 uncountable Sport [橄榄球和足球的] 边线外区域 biānxiàn wài qūyù to kick the ball into touch 把球踢出边线 the idea was kicked firmly into touch by the authorities 这个意见被当局束之高阁 countable to be a soft or an easy touch informal (willing to give) 乐意送礼 lèyì sònglǐ (willing to lend) 对借钱的请求有求必应 PHRASAL VERBS touch down A. intransitive verb Aviation 着陆 zhuólù (in rugby) [持球过底线] 触地得分 chù dì défēn the winger touched down for a try/five points 边锋队员持球触地得分/得5分 B. transitive verb [touch sth down, touch down sth] «rugby player» 持…触地得分 chí… chù dì défēn balltouch off transitive verb [touch sth off, touch off sth] literal (ignite) 点燃 diǎnrán fuse, firework; diǎn fire; 引起 yǐnqǐ explosionfigurative (start) 引发 yǐnfā riot, crisis, argumenttouch on transitive verb [touch on sth] 提起 tíqǐ subject, topictouch up: transitive verb [touch sth up, touch up sth] (improve) 修改 xiūgǎi to touch up sb's hair/essay/photograph 修剪某人的头发/润色某人的文章/修饰某人的照片 I'm going to touch up those scratches with a bit of paint 我打算用点油漆来修补这些擦痕 [touch sb up, touch up sb] British informal (touch sexually) 对…动手动脚 duì… dòng shǒu dòng jiǎo touch upon transitive verb = touch on




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