

词汇 coax
coax | BrE kəʊks, AmE koʊks | transitive verb (persuade) 哄劝 hǒngquàn to coax sb to do or into doing sth 哄某人做某事 to coax sb out of a bad mood 耐心开导某人摆脱坏心情 (obtain) 诱得 yòudé money, giftsshe managed to coax £100 out of her father 她哄着父亲给了她100英镑 (lure) 引诱 yǐnyòu to coax sb into the room; 将某人诱入房间 to coax sb away from sth; 引诱某人离开某处 she coaxed him towards the door 她诱使他朝门走去 figurative (urge) 耐心摆弄 nàixīn bǎinòng to coax a fire back to life 小心翼翼地把火再弄旺 to coax hair into ringlets 耐心把头发做成卷




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