

词汇 trace
trace1 | BrE treɪs, AmE treɪs | A. noun uncountable and countable (evidence) 痕迹 hénjì to remove all trace(s) of sb's presence 消除某人在场的所有痕迹 traces of a struggle/of poison 搏斗的痕迹/毒药的残留 traces of a Roman villa 古罗马别墅的遗迹 traces of tears/the old way of life 泪痕/旧生活方式的遗痕 no trace remains or there is no trace of sth 某物没留下一丝痕迹 uncountable and countable (hint) 微量 wēiliàng a trace of sth; 一丝 humour, accentto speak without a trace of emotion 丝毫不带感情地讲话 without a trace of make-up/a smile 没化一点妆/没有丝毫笑容 just a trace of garlic/chemical 些许大蒜/一丁点化学品 a trace of dampness in the air 空气中的一丝潮气 uncountable and countable (aiding retrieval) 踪迹 zōngjì a trace of sb/sth; 某人/某物的踪迹 to lose (all) trace of sb 失去某人的(全部)行踪 to leave no trace of one's whereabouts 没留下任何行踪 to disappear/sink without trace 消失得/沉没得无影无踪 countable (on recording instrument) (line) 描记线 miáojìxiàn ; (pattern) 描记图 miáojìtú countable (mainly US) (path) 小路 xiǎolù to follow a trace 沿小道走 B. transitive verb (locate) 查出 cháchū I can't trace any reference to it 我查不到它的出处 to trace sth/sb to sth; 追查某物/某人到 place, numberto trace sb to an address in Chicago 追查到某人在芝加哥的一处地址 the call was traced to a London number 电话被查出是伦敦的一个号码 the problem was traced to … 问题被归结到… (follow, chart) 追溯 zhuīsù history, ancestry, life, story, friendship; 追踪 zhuīzōng progress, eventsto trace one's origins to … 将身世追溯到… (copy) 描摹 miáomó map, drawingto trace sth on to sth; 把某物描摹到某物上 (draw, form) 勾画出 gōuhuà chū letters, figurea tear traced a path down her cheek 一滴眼泪顺着她的面颊流了下来 PHRASAL VERBS trace back transitive verb [trace sth back, trace back sth] 追溯 zhuīsù history; 追踪 zhuīzōng tracksto trace footprints/a trail back to sth; 追踪脚印/踪迹到某处 the root of the problem was traced back to … 最后查出问题的根源是… how far back can you trace your ancestors? 你可以追溯自己的祖先到多远? trace out transitive verb [trace sth out, trace out sth] (copy) 描摹 miáomó map, drawing, design(draw, form) 勾画出 gōuhuà chū figure, letters, patternto trace out the route on a map 在地图上描出路线 to trace out sth in the sand/on the wall 在沙子里/墙上画写某物




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