

词汇 volume
volume | BrE ˈvɒljuːm, AmE ˈvɑljəm,ˈvɑlˌjum | noun countable (individual book) ; (part of series) juàn a ten-volume set 十卷套 in ten volumes 以十卷套 countable and uncountable (measurement) 容积 róngjī the volume of sth …的容积 container, contents uncountable and countable (sound quantity) 音量 yīnliàng to adjust the volume 调音量 countable and uncountable (amount) liàng the volume of traffic/production/trade/work 车流量/产量/贸易量/工作量 (large quantity) 大量 dàliàng volumes of smoke/steam; 大量的烟/蒸汽 to speak volumes (about sth) 充分表明(某事) an expression that speaks volumes 意味深长的表情




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