

词汇 transmit
transmit | BrE tranzˈmɪt,trɑːnzˈmɪt,transˈmɪt,trɑːnsˈmɪt, AmE trænzˈmɪt,trænsˈmɪt | present participle transmitting past tense, past participle transmitted A. transitive verb (transfer) 传播 chuánbō to transmit a report/message 传送报告/消息 to transmit sth to sb; 把某物传给某人 to transmit disease 传播疾病 to transmit a skill 传授技能 to transmit light/an image 传播光/传送图像 (broadcast) 播送 bōsòng news, signalto transmit sth live 现场直播某事件 the programme will be transmitted at a later date 节目将在日后播放 Physics chuán heat, sound; 传递 chuándì vibration; 输送 shūsòng electricityB. intransitive verb 广播 guǎngbō




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