

词汇 wait
wait | BrE weɪt, AmE weɪt | A. intransitive verb (stand by) 等候 děnghòu I don't mind waiting 我不在乎等 ‘keys cut, while you wait’ “配钥匙立等可取” to wait for sb/sth; 等某人/某事物 wait for me! 等等我! to wait (for sb) to do sth; 等待(某人)做某事 wait until or till … 等到…吧 [用于兴奋地表示或展示某物]wait till you see what I've found! 你等着看我找到了什么吧! to keep sb waiting 让某人等着 wait a minute or moment or second! (asking for delay) 稍等片刻! (when interrupting) 等一等! (expressing realization) 慢点! I can hardly or can't wait 我迫不及待 wait and see! 等着看吧! what are we/you waiting for? 我们/你们还在等什么? (just) you wait! (making threat) 你等着瞧! (making prediction) 你就等着看吧! wait for it! (mainly British) (introducing surprise) 听好了! (ordering delay) 等候通知! Military 听命令! to be sth waiting to happen 是早晚会发生的事 everything comes or all good things come to those who wait proverb 耐心等候的人交好运 (look forward, anticipate) 盼望 pànwàng to wait for sth; 期待某事 to wait (for sb) to do sth; 期待(某人)做某事 (be ready) 就绪 jiùxù there’s a letter waiting for you at home 家里有你一封信 the hotel had a taxi waiting to collect us 旅馆叫了辆出租车等着接我们 (be left until later) 延缓 yánhuǎn he can wait: I'm busy right now 他得等等,我眼下很忙 this is important: it can't wait 这很重要,刻不容缓 to wait at table formal (act as waiter) 侍候进餐 shìhòu jìncān B. transitive verb (watch for) 等待 děngdài chancehe waited his opportunity to sneak away 他等待机会想溜走 (stand in line for) 等候 děnghòu you'll just have to wait your turn 你得等着轮到你 (mainly US) informal (delay) 推迟 tuīchí mealdon't wait dinner for me 吃晚饭不要等我 (mainly US) (serve at) to wait tables 做餐厅服务员 zuò cāntīng fúwùyuán C. noun 等待 děngdài you'll have a long wait ironic 你就好好等着吧 to be worth the wait 值得等待 to lie in wait (for sb/sth) «hunter, animal» 伏击(某人/某物) the bandits were lying in wait just outside the village 强盗就埋伏在村子外面 PHRASAL VERBS wait around, wait about intransitive verb 空等 kōngděng to wait around for sb (to do sth); 干等着某人(做某事) wait behind intransitive verb (mainly British) [尤指为了私下交谈] 待他人走后留下来 dài tārén zǒu hòu liú xialai to wait behind after class/a meeting; 在下课/会议之后留下来 wait in intransitive verb British to wait in (for sb/sth); 在家里等候(某人/某物) zàijiā li děnghòu(mǒu rén/mǒu wù) wait on: transitive verb [wait on sb/sth] (await) 等待 děngdài she is waiting on the result of a blood test 她在等验血结果 [wait on sb] (serve) 为…服务 wèi… fúwù ; (act as attendant to) «servant» 服侍 fúshi to wait on sb hand and foot derogatory 无微不至地服侍某人 wait out transitive verb [wait sth out, wait out sth] 等待…结束 děngdài… jiéshù storm, crisiswait up intransitive verb (stay up) to wait up (for sb); 熬夜等待(某人) áoyè děngdài(mǒu rén) (mainly US) (stop, pause) 等一等 děng yī děng




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