

词汇 trap
trap | BrE trap, AmE træp | A. noun (snare) 陷阱 xiànjǐng ; (device) 夹子 jiāzi to set a trap for an animal 布下陷阱诱捕动物 to lure sb/sth into a trap 把某人/某物诱入陷阱 to fall into a trap 掉进陷阱 to spring a trap 触发夹子 figurative (stratagem) 圈套 quāntào to fall into the trap of doing sth 陷入做某事的圈套 to set or lay a trap 设圈套 dated (carriage) 双轮轻便马车 shuāng lún qīngbiàn mǎchē (in waste pipe) 存水弯 cúnshuǐwān the u-bend trap was blocked U形弯管被堵住了 (in dog racing) 隔栏 gélán slang (mouth) zuǐ shut your trap! 闭上你的嘴! B. transitive verb present participle trapping past tense, past participle trapped (catch) 设陷阱捕捉 shè xiànjǐng bǔzhuō animal, bird, fish (prevent from escaping) 困住 kùnzhù personI'm trapped! 我被困住了! we were trapped in the lift for four hours 我们在电梯里困了4小时 the terrorists trapped a party of tourists 恐怖分子劫持了一群游客 there was air trapped in the pipe 管子中有留存的气体 the child trapped his fingers in the automatic doors 孩子被自动门夹住了手指 the fabric traps body heat 这种织物能保暖 to be/feel trapped (in a situation/a marriage) 中圈套/感到中圈套(陷入某情形/一桩婚姻) (trick) 诱骗 yòupiàn personto trap sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事 yòushǐ mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì she was trapped into making an unsuitable marriage 她被骗结成了一桩不相配的婚姻




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