

词汇 tree
tree | BrE triː, AmE tri | A. noun 树木 shùmù an apple/a cherry tree 苹果/樱桃树 the tree of life/knowledge 生命/智慧之树 to be up a tree (mainly US) informal 骑虎难下 to not see the wood for the trees 见树不见林 to grow on trees informal (be easily obtained) 容易得到 (plentiful) 多得很 money doesn't grow on trees 钱来之不易 jobs don't grow on trees 工作可不是遍地都有 to get to/to be at the top of the tree 达到/处于最高地位 if you work hard, you'll get to the top of the tree 如果你努力工作,就会成为人上人 to be out of one's tree informal (completely stupid) 愚不可及 (mad) 发疯 B. transitive verb US Hunting 把…赶上树 bǎ… gǎnshang shù animal figurative informal (force into difficult situation) 把…逼进困境 bǎ… bījìn kùnjìng




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