

词汇 tribute
tribute | BrE ˈtrɪbjuːt, AmE ˈtrɪbjut | noun countable and uncountable (speech) 颂词 sòngcí ; (act) 致敬 zhìjìng ; (gift) 礼物 lǐwù a floral tribute 葬礼献花 to pay tribute to sb/sth 赞扬某人/某事物 as a tribute to my late father 为了悼念我去世的父亲 in silent tribute to sb 为某人默哀 countable (credit) 体现 tǐxiàn to be a tribute to sb's skill/generosity/determination 显示出某人的技艺/慷慨/决心 uncountable History (payment to ruler) (in cash) 贡金 gòngjīn ; (in kind) 贡品 gòngpǐn to pay tribute to sb 向某人进贡 to exact tribute from sb 向某人索取贡品




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