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词汇 trick
trick | BrE trɪk, AmE trɪk | A. noun (cunning or deceitful act) 诡计 guǐjì ; (gimmick) 花招 huāzhāo a mean/clever trick 卑鄙的伎俩/巧妙的花招 it's a trick! 那是一个骗局! it's the oldest trick in the book 那是众人皆知的老把戏 to try every trick in the book 使尽浑身解数 a trick of the light 光线引起的错觉 not or never to miss a trick 对一切了如指掌 (mischievous act) 恶作剧 èzuòjù he always pulls that trick 他老是开那种玩笑 to play a trick on sb 捉弄某人 my memory plays tricks on me sometimes 我的记忆有时会发生紊乱 he's up to his old tricks 他又耍起了老花招 the computer is up to its tricks again 电脑又犯老毛病了 (stunt) (by conjuror) 魔术 móshù ; (by juggler or animal) 绝技 juéjì to do (conjuring) tricks 变魔术 to perform a trick 表演绝技 to have a trick up one's sleeve 还有绝招没使出来 to do the trick 管用 the pills seem to have done the trick 药片好像起效了 how's tricks? informal 最近过得怎么样? trick photography/a shot 特技摄影/镜头 trick riding 特技马术表演 (knack, technique) 技巧 jìqiǎo ; (secret) 窍门 qiàomén there's no special trick to it 这没有什么特殊的技巧 the trick here is to … 这里的窍门在于… the tricks of the trade 门道 to have a trick of doing sth 掌握做某事的诀窍 to know a trick or two or a few tricks (about sth) 精通(某事) (habit) 习惯 xíguàn to have a or the trick of doing sth 有做某事的习惯 (in card games) [桥牌等的] 一圈 yī quān to win/take a trick 赢/玩一圈 slang (prostitute's client) 嫖客 piáokè to turn tricks «prostitute» 接客卖淫 B. transitive verb 欺骗 qīpiàn I've been tricked! 我上当了! to trick sb into doing sth; 欺骗某人做某事 to trick sb into thinking that … 骗某人以为… to trick sb out of sth; 从某人处骗走某物 to trick one's way past the guard/into the club 骗过保安/蒙混进入夜总会 C. adjective attributive US 虚弱的 xūruò de shoulderhe has a trick knee 他的膝盖不能吃力 PHRASAL VERB trick out A. transitive verb [trick sb out, trick out sb] usually passive 精心打扮 jīngxīn dǎban to be all tricked out (in one's best clothes) 穿着最好的衣服 B. to trick oneself out reflexive verb 精心打扮 jīngxīn dǎban he tricked himself out in tails (for the wedding) 他特意换上了一套燕尾服(去参加婚礼)




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