

词汇 wallop
wallop | BrE ˈwɒləp, AmE ˈwɑləp | informal A. transitive verb (punch, hit) 痛打 tòngdǎ person, animal; 猛击 měng jī ball, punchbag (defeat) 大败 dàbài opponent, teamB. noun usually singular (punch, hit) 重击 zhòngjī to give sb/the ball a (good) wallop 给某人一记重拳/猛击一下球 this vodka packs a wallop figurative 这种伏特加酒劲儿大 (sound) 重击声 zhòngjī shēng to hit the door with a wallop «person» 大声砸门 «ball» 砰地撞在门上 pēng de zhuàng zài mén shang C. adverb 砰的一声 pēng de yī shēng to run or go wallop into the wall 砰的一声撞上墙




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