

词汇 zip
zip | BrE zɪp, AmE zɪp | A. noun countable (mainly British) (zipper) 拉链 lāliàn the zip is stuck 拉链卡住了 to do up/undo a zip 拉上/拉开拉链 countable singular informal (sound) 飕飕声 sōu sōu shēng the zip of a bullet 子弹的呼啸声 uncountable informal (energy) 活力 huólì she doesn't have much zip these days 这些天她有些委靡不振 countable US (for mail) = zip code uncountable US informal (nothing) líng to know zip about computers 对电脑一窍不通 B. transitive verb present participle zipping past tense, past participle zipped (fasten) 拉…的拉链 lā… de lāliàn to zip one's bag open/shut 拉开/拉上袋子的拉链 she zipped herself into her dress 她穿上连衣裙,拉好拉链 Computing 压缩 yāsuō file (send quickly) 使快速移动 shǐ kuàisù yídòng to zip a pass out to the receiver 嗖地把球传给接球手 C. intransitive verb present participle zipping past tense, past participle zipped (fasten) «skirt, bag» 拉上拉链 lāshang lāliàn the dress zips at the back 这条连衣裙的拉链在背后 (move quickly) 快速移动 kuàisù yídòng to zip along 快速向前 a car zipped past us 一辆车从我们身边呼啸而过 to zip through one's work 快速干完工作 the morning zipped by 上午一下子就过去了 PHRASAL VERBS zip on A. transitive verb [zip sth on, zip on sth] 用拉链装上 yòng lāliàn zhuāngshang to zip the hood on 用拉链把风帽装上 to zip on a jacket 穿上夹克,拉好拉链 B. intransitive verb 用拉链装上 yòng lāliàn zhuāngshang the hood zips on like this 风帽是这样用拉链装上去的 zip up: A. transitive verb [zip sth up, zip up sth] (fasten) 拉上…的拉链 lāshang… de lāliàn dress, bag[zip sb up, zip up sb] (fasten zip for) 给…拉上拉链 gěi… lāshang lāliàn can you zip me up please? 请帮我拉上拉链好吗? B. intransitive verb «dress, bag» 拉上拉链 lāshang lāliàn the jacket zips up right to the neck 这件夹克的拉链可以一直拉到脖颈处




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