

词汇 zone
zone | BrE zəʊn, AmE zoʊn | A. noun (area, section) 地带 dìdài industrial/residential/pedestrian zone 工业区/住宅区/步行区 a no-parking zone 禁止停车区 United are still in the relegation zone 联队仍在降级区徘徊 Military, Politics 分区 fēnqū a demilitarized zone 非军事区 Administration (for charging) 区段 qūduàn a ticket that covers all zones 全程票 US (for mail) 邮区 yóuqū B. transitive verb (divide) 将…分成区 jiāng… fēnchéng qū town, territory (assign) 将…划作特殊区域 jiāng… huàzuò tèshū qūyù areato be zoned for enterprise/housing 被划作经济开发区/住宅区




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