

1 A. number 表数目one 一百公斤 one hundred kilograms 一本书 a book 两万一 twenty-one thousand 五分之一 one-fifth 同一same 我们坐一趟火车。 We rode on the same train. 咱们是一家人。 We are of the same family. 整个all 他一身油泥。 He was covered in grime. 她一路哭到了家。 She cried the whole way home. each 一人一只苹果 one apple each 一日三餐 three meals a day 另一another 乌贼一名墨斗鱼。 The cuttlefish is also known as the inkfish. 表动作短暂[used in the middle of a reduplicated verb meaning a little, slightly]看一看 have a look 笑一笑 give a smile 坐下来想一想 sit down and have a think B. adverb 表猛然[used before a verb or adjective, indicating the suddenness or thoroughness of an action or a change in the situation]大吃一惊 be startled 眼前一黑 be suddenly unable to see anything 表前后动作间隔短as soon as 他一合眼就睡着了。 No sooner had he closed his eyes than he fell asleep. 这你一学就会。 You can learn it in no time at all. 一旦now that 一失足成千古恨 专一wholeheartedly 一心一意




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