

1 ɡè A. measure word 后加名词[used before a noun which does not have a fixed measure word of its own]三个星期 three weeks 四个钟头 four hours 后加约数词[used before an approximate number to make the sentence sound informal]隔个两三天你再来。 Come again in a couple of days. 街上没几个人。 There are few people in the street. 插在动宾结构中[used between a verb and its object]帮个忙 do sb a favour 表个态 make one’s position known (和某人)说个话 have a word (with sb) 洗个热水澡 take a hot bath 加在补语前[used between a verb and its complement]吃个痛快 eat to one’s heart’s content 玩个高兴 have a good time 笑个不停 keep laughing B. adjective individual 个别, 个体, 个性C. = ɡèr




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