

词汇 crap
crap | BrE krap, AmE kræp | vulgar slang A. noun uncountable (nonsense) 胡扯 húchě to talk a load of crap 胡扯一通 he's full of crap 他满口胡言 uncountable (rubbish) 蹩脚货 biéjiǎohuò this film is crap! 这是一部烂电影! uncountable (worthless thing) 废物 fèiwù uncountable (faeces) shǐ countable (defecation) 拉屎 lāshǐ to have a crap 拉屎 lāshǐ B. adjective 非常糟糕的 fēicháng zāogāo de to be crap at chemistry 化学很糟糕 C. intransitive verb present participle crapping past tense, past participle crapped 拉屎 lāshǐ




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