

词汇 trimming
trimming | BrE ˈtrɪmɪŋ, AmE ˈtrɪmɪŋ | A. noun uncountable (on clothing) 镶边 xiāngbiān ; (on curtains, furnishings) 装饰品 zhuāngshìpǐn B. trimmings plural noun (decorative additions to a garment) 镶边饰物 xiāngbiān shìwù (accompaniments to a meal) 配菜 pèicài beef with all the trimmings 备有各种配料的牛排 informal (extra items) 附件 fùjiàn the basic car without the trimmings 没有选装件的基本型汽车 a church wedding with all the trimmings 排场奢华的教堂婚礼 (offcuts) (of pastry) 碎屑 suìxiè ; (of fish, meat) 碎肉 suìròu ; (of fabric, paper) 边角料 biānjiǎoliào




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