

词汇 true
true | BrE truː, AmE tru | A. adjective (based on fact, not a lie) 真实的 zhēnshí de fact, version; 如实的 rúshí de account, reportunfortunately, the rumour turned out to be true 很不幸,传闻最后证实确有其事 it can't be true! 这不可能是真的! it is simply not true that I was there 我根本不在那里 it is true to say that they disliked each other 的确可以说他们俩相互厌恶 that is not true of the people I have met 我遇到的人可不是这样的 it is (only) too true (that …) (…)千真万确 to be or hold true (of sb/sth) (对某人/某事物)同样适用 what is true of adults is true of children 对大人适用的,对小孩也一样 to come true 实现 may all your wishes/dreams come true! 愿你所有的愿望都实现/祝你梦想都能成真! to be/seem too good to be true 好得/看上去好得令人难以相信 many a true word is spoken in jest proverb 许多真话都是在玩笑中说出的 attributive (real, genuine) 真正的 zhēnzhèng de Londoner, professional; 纯种的 chúnzhǒng de mammalan artist in the true sense of the word 名副其实的艺术家 he reveals his true character to very few people 他没有向几个人表露过他的本性 the true face of capitalism 资本主义的真面目 (heartfelt, sincere) 真诚的 zhēnchéng de feeling, understanding; 虔诚的 qiánchéng de faith, believer (accurate) 逼真的 bīzhēn de copy, bill, likeness; 精确的 jīngquè de judgement, analysisto be true to sth; 忠实于某物 this new production remains true to the essence of Shakespeare's play 新作品保持了莎士比亚戏剧的精髓 to be true to life «film, book» 写实 «painting, sculpture» 逼真 bīzhēn to be or run true to type or form 很典型/一如既往 his aim was true 他瞄得很准 (faithful, loyal) 忠实的 zhōngshí de friend, patriot, servantto be true to sb/sth; 对某人/某事忠诚 my lover is true to me literary 我的爱人对我很忠诚 to be true to one's word or promise 信守诺言 to be true to one's principles/beliefs/ideas 坚持自己的原则/信念/想法 to be true to oneself 按照自己的信念做事 good men and true (archaic or literary) 诚实的人 Building (in line) 平的 píng de surface; 直的 zhí de wall, post; 处于正确位置的 chǔyú zhèngquè wèizhi de frame, wheel, beam Geography 根据地极确定的 gēnjù dìjí quèdìng de B. adverb (straight) 笔直地 bǐzhí de aim, runthe arrow flew true, straight to the mark 箭不偏不倚地向靶子射去 literary (truthfully) 真实地 zhēnshí de sayto speak true 实话实说 C. noun uncountable Building 笔直 bǐzhí out of true 歪斜的 this post is half an inch out of true 这根杆子偏斜了半英寸 D. transitive verb Building 弄平 nòngpíng surface; 弄直 nòngzhí wall, post; 摆正 bǎizhèng frame, wheel, beam




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