

zhù verb 居住live 住在北京 live in Beijing 跟父母住在一起 live with one’s parents 你住在哪Where do you live? 住宿, 住址, 居住 止住stop 不住地哆嗦 keep shivering 雨住了。 The rain has stopped 住手, 住嘴 作补语[used as a complement after a verb] a 表停顿[indicating a stop or halt]被问住了 fail to find an answer 车停住了。 The car came to a halt. b 表牢固[indicating a steadiness or firmness]一把抓住不放 have a firm grip 总也记不住 have a poor memory c 表能力[preceded by 得 or 不, indicating being able/unable to reach sth, meet a standard, etc.]禁得住 be able to stand 他的这条腿保不住了。 His leg will have to be amputated. 守得住守不住? Can we keep the position safe in our hands?




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