

词汇 出来
出来 chūlái verb 到外面come out 快出来,外面有人找。 Come out quickly. Someone wants to see you. 全家人都出来迎接客人。 The whole family turned out to greet the guest. 出现emerge 问题又出来了。 Another problem cropped up. 选举结果出来了。 The election results are out. 表随动作由里到外be out 那人刚从监狱里放出来。 That man has just been released from prison. 完成complete 报告写出来没有? Have you finished writing the report? 表由隐蔽到显露[used after a verb indicating revealing]看不出来她有那么大年纪。 She doesn’t look her age. 你能听出来他的弦外之音吗? Can you make out what he meant?




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