

quān A. noun 指环形circle 画个圈draw a circle 吐烟圈 blow smoke rings 钥匙圈 key ring 大家手拉着手,围成一个圈Everyone joined hands and formed a circle. 运动员已经跑了四圈。 The athletes have completed four circuits. 花圈, 救生圈 指范围circle 生活圈 circle of life 演艺圈 theatrical circles 他不是圈里人。 He does not belong to the inner circle. B. verb 做标记circle 把你的选项圈出来。 Circle your choices. 老师用红笔把学生的错误圈出来。 The teacher circled the pupils’ mistakes in red ink. 圈点, 圈阅 加限制encircle 用绳子把事故现场圈起来 rope off the scene of the accident 监狱被高墙圈住了。 The prison is enclosed by high walls. 圈地 juān , juàn




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