

词汇 try out
try out A. transitive verb [try sth out, try out sth] 试用 shìyòng method, vehicle, drug; 试验 shìyàn language, recipehe's itching to try out his theories 他迫不及待地要验证他的理论 they tried her out in a fairly minor role 他们让她试演一个小角色 try it out on a spare piece of wood 先在废木块上试一试 I tried the speech out on my wife 我在妻子面前预演了一遍演讲 B. intransitive verb US 参加选拔 cānjiā xuǎnbá he tried out, but he didn't make the team 他参加了选拔,但没能进入那个队 to try out for sth; 参加…选拔 team, part




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