

词汇 tumble
tumble | BrE ˈtʌmb(ə)l, AmE ˈtəmbəl | A. intransitive verb (fall) «person» 跌倒 diēdǎo ; «object» 坠落 zhuìluò ; «rocks» 滚下 gǔnxia ; «water» 泻落 xièluò to tumble down the stairs/slope 滚下楼梯/斜坡 to tumble out of bed/the boat 摔下床/船 to come tumbling down «wall» 倒塌 to tumble off sth 从…摔下 cliff, roof, shelfcurls tumbled about her shoulders 卷发垂落在她的肩上 Finance «prices, shares» 暴跌 bàodiē (roll over and over) «person» 打滚 dǎgǔn ; «vehicle» 侧翻 cèfān (do acrobatics) «clown» 做空翻动作 zuò kōngfān dòngzuò B. transitive verb (toss around) 使…翻滚 shǐ… fāngǔn objects, clothes (tumble-dry) 甩干 shuǎigān clothes, washing (mainly British) (disarrange) 弄乱 nòngluàn pile, objects, hairtumbled sheets 杂乱的一堆床单 C. noun (fall) 跌倒 diēdǎo to take a tumble 跌跤 figurative 急遽下降 jíjù xiàjiàng Finance 暴跌 bàodiē to take a 50-point tumble «shares» 猛跌50点 (acrobatic feat) 空翻动作 kōngfān dòngzuò (jumble) (of clothes) 杂乱 záluàn ; (of objects) 混乱 hùnluàn ; (of hair) 蓬乱 péngluàn a tumble of curls 蓬乱的卷发 PHRASAL VERB tumble to transitive verb [tumble to sth] British informal 突然意识到 tūrán yìshí dào fact, plan, meaning




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