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词汇 turn
turn | BrE təːn, AmE tərn | A. intransitive verb (rotate) «wheel, key, planet» 转动 zhuàndóng the handle was rusted and wouldn't turn 把手生锈了,转不动 to turn and face sb 转过身面对某人 to turn on sth; literal 绕某物转动 (have as focus) 以某事物为中心 yǐ mǒu shìwù wéi zhōngxīn (depend) 依赖某事物 yīlài mǒu shìwù our conversation turned on matters of mutual interest 我们的谈话关乎双方共同利益 everything turns on who takes over at the top 一切都取决于谁接替最高领导职位 to turn to or towards sb/sth 转向某人/某物 my head or brain was turning (dizzy) 我感到眩晕 (confused) 我一头雾水 (change direction) «person, vehicle» 转向 zhuǎnxiàng ; «road» 转弯 zhuǎnwān ; figurative «person, mind» 转变 zhuǎnbiàn to turn (to the) left 向左转 he turned into a doorway along the corridor 他拐进走廊上的一个门廊里 we turned off the main road and travelled along a quiet country lane 我们离开公路沿着一条寂静的乡村小道前行 to turn towards sth; 转向某处 her thoughts turned to her family at home 她想到了在家里的家人 I don't know where or which way to turn 我不知道何去何从 to turn to sb/sth; 求助于某人/某事物 people turned to religion as a refuge from troubled times 人们转而从宗教中寻求慰藉以逃避乱世 to turn to sb/sth for sth; 为某事物求助于某人/某事物 to turn to page 33 翻到33页 (reverse direction) «person, vehicle, tide» 折返 zhéfǎn she turned and came back 她掉头回来了 ‘no turning’ “禁止转弯” your luck may turn 你会时来运转的 to turn on sb 突然攻击某人 the dog turned on her and bit her 那条狗突然扑上去咬了她 (go sour) «milk, cream» 变馊 biànsōu (change) 变化 biànhuà to turn into sth; 变成某事物 the situation was rapidly turning into a farce 这一局面正迅速演变成一场闹剧 his hopes had turned to dust and ashes 他的希望破灭了 his face turned deathly pale 他的脸变得死灰一般 she suddenly turned all sweet and charming 她突然变得可爱迷人 to turn politician/farmer 变成政客/农民 to turn Catholic/Muslim 皈依天主教/伊斯兰教 Botany «tree» 变枯黄 biàn kūhuáng as autumn advanced, all the leaves turned 随着秋意渐浓,树叶都变了颜色 B. transitive verb (rotate) 转动 zhuàndóng screw, wheelto turn a knob/handle/switch/key to the right 把旋钮/拉手/开关/钥匙向右转 to turn sth through 90°/180° 把某物转90度/180度 to turn the key on sb 把某人锁起来 (change direction of) 掉转 diàozhuǎn vehicle, headcan you turn your face this way a little? 你把脸向这边转一点好吗? to turn one's attention/mind to sth 把注意力/心思转到某事 to turn one's back on sb/sth 转身背对某人/某物 she resolved to turn her back on her former beliefs 她决心放弃以前的信仰 when sb's back is turned (no longer present) 当某人离开时 (no longer paying attention) 当某人不注意时 to turn one's hand to sth 动手做某事 she can turn her hand to anything 她什么活儿都可以干 to turn a hose/searchlight on sb/sth 把水龙带/探照灯对准某人/某物 they turned their guns on the crowd 他们把枪口指向人群 to turn one's attention/mind to sth 把注意力/心思转到某事物上来 to turn a corner 转过街角 our financial problems have turned a corner at last 我们的财务问题终于出现了转机 (turn over) fān soil; 翻转 fānzhuǎn mattress, steakto be idly turning the pages of a magazine 在悠闲地翻看杂志 to turn the pillowcases 把枕套翻个个儿 help me turn him on to his side/back 帮我把他身子侧过来/翻个身仰卧 to turn one's stomach 反胃 to turn one's ankle 崴脚踝 (transform) 变化 biànhuà to turn sb/sth …; 使某人/某物变成… to turn sth white/black 把某物变白/变黑 to turn one's friends green with envy 让朋友们嫉妒得要命 to turn sb/sth into sth; 将某人/某事物变成某状态 a wicked witch had turned him into a frog 邪恶的女巫把他变成了青蛙 to turn a book into a play/film 将一部书改编成戏剧/电影 turn your assets into hard cash! 把你的资产变现! to turn oneself into sth; 将自身变成某状况 jiāng zìshēn biànchéng mǒu zhuàngkuàng we're going to turn ourselves into a limited company 我们要改变成有限公司 I took evening classes, hoping to turn myself into a competent painter 我上了夜校,希望成为一名出色的画家 (in time) (reach) 达到 dádào ; (pass) 超过 chāoguò she's just turned thirty 她刚满30岁 it's just turned five (o'clock) 刚过5点 (deflect) 推开 tuīkāi thrust, person; figurative 转移 zhuǎnyí conversationthe keeper managed to turn the shot past the post 守门员将球挡出了门柱 I tried to turn the discussion towards a safer topic 我尽量把讨论引到比较安全的话题上 she rebuffed all attempts to turn her from her purpose 所有试图使她改变主意的尝试都被她一概回绝了 to turn sb from one's door 把某人拒之门外 (shape on lathe) 车削 chēxiāo wood; figurative zào phrasethe spindles were turned on a lathe 这些转轴是在一台车床上车出来的 he seems incapable of turning a reasonably elegant sentence 他看来写不出像样的文雅句子 C. noun (circular movement) 转动 zhuàndóng to give a screw/handle a couple of turns 把螺丝/把手拧几下 a complicated series of leaps and turns 一系列复杂的跳跃和转体 to go for or take a turn around the block 到该街区转一圈 it was another turn of the screw figurative 这是雪上加霜 to be done to a turn Cooking 烹调得恰到火候 (change of direction) (in vehicle) 转向 zhuǎnxiàng ; (on foot) 转身 zhuǎnshēn a left turn 左转 ‘no right turn’ “禁止右转” to make a turn to port/starboard 向左舷/右舷转 a 90°/180° turn 90度/180度转向 (bend, side road) 弯道 wāndào the road is full of twists and turns 这条路弯弯曲曲 a left turn 左转弯 (change) 转变 zhuǎnbiàn ; (development) 发展 fāzhǎn a turn in or of sth; 某事的转变 a turn of events 事态变化 at the turn of the century 在世纪之交 at every turn 每次 she met with disappointment at every turn 她事事不顺心 to be on the turn «tide, luck» 即将改变 «milk» 即将变质 jíjiāng biànzhì to take an unexpected/alarming/encouraging turn 发生意外的/骇人的/令人鼓舞的转变 to take a turn for the better/worse «patient, condition» 好转/恶化 a turn of speed 突然加速 (go) 轮到的机会 lúndào de jīhuì a turn to do sth; 轮到的做某事的机会 it's your turn to make the coffee 该你煮咖啡了 to have a turn at or on or with sth; 轮到某事物 they kindly let me have a turn at using their new computer 他们客气地让我用了用他们的新电脑 by turns; 轮流地 I was by turns elated and utterly miserable 我时而兴高采烈,时而痛苦万分 in turn; 依次 she said a few words to each of us in turn 她逐一和我们每个人说了几句话 out of turn; 未轮到 she went out of turn because she has to leave early today 她不到时间就离开了,因为她今天得早走 to miss a or one's turn 错过一轮 to speak out of turn figurative 说话冒失 to take it in turns to do sth, to take turns at doing sth 轮流做某事 to do sth turn and turn about 轮换着做某事 to wait one's turn 排队等候 (tendency) 倾向 qīngxiàng to have an enquiring/enterprising turn of mind 有好学之心/进取心 a turn of phrase 措词 informal (attack) 不适感 bùshìgǎn a dizzy turn 一阵眩晕 it gave me quite a (nasty) turn 这让我(着实)吓了一跳 (service) 服务 fúwù to do sb a good/bad turn 帮某人的忙/坏某人的事 one good turn deserves another proverb 要知恩图报 Theatre (performance) 小节目 xiǎojiémù ; (performer) 表演者 biǎoyǎnzhě a comic/variety turn 喜剧/杂耍节目 PHRASAL VERBS turn about intransitive verb «soldier» 向后转 xiànghòu zhuǎn turn about! 向后转! turn against: transitive verb [turn against sb/sth] 反对 fǎnduì public opinion is turning against the government 公众舆论开始反对政府了 to turn sb/sth against sb/sth; 使某人/某派别反对某人/某事 shǐ mǒu rén/mǒu pàibié fǎnduì mǒu rén/mǒu shì now she's trying to turn my own children against me 她正试图教唆我自己的孩子跟我对着干 turn around intransitive or transitive verb = turn roundturn aside intransitive verb 偏离 piānlí he came towards me, but turned aside at the last moment 他向我走来,但在最后一刻走开了 to turn aside from sth; 偏离某事 turning aside for a moment from the main topic under review, … 把主要议题暂且放一下,说句题外话… turn away A. intransitive verb (change direction) 转过脸去 zhuǎnguo liǎn qù he turned away in disgust/horror 他厌恶地/恐惧地转过头去 to turn away from sth/sb; 放弃某事物/拒绝某人 B. transitive verb [turn sth away, turn away sth] (face other way) 把…转过去 bǎ… zhuǎn guoqu face, objecthe turned his head away just as I was taking the photo 我拍照的时候他把头转过去了 [turn sb away, turn away sb] (refuse entry to) 不准…进入 bù zhǔn… jìnrù they got turned away from the Ritz because they weren't properly dressed 他们因为穿着不得体而被丽兹酒店拒之门外 turn back A. intransitive verb (return) 返回 fǎnhuí we turned back when we'd only gone about a mile 我们只走了一英里就返回了 there's no turning back 没有回头路 (in book) 翻回 fānhuí to turn back to page 33 翻回到33页 B. transitive verb [turn sth back, turn back sth] (rotate backwards) 使…反转 shǐ… fǎn zhuàn turn the knob back as far as it will go 将旋钮往回拧到底 don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour tonight 别忘了今晚把钟拨慢一小时 to turn the control knob back to zero 把控制钮转回数字0 to turn the clock back to 1900 让时光倒流至1900年 it's too late now, you can't turn back the clock 现在已经太晚了,你无法让时光倒转 (fold back) 折起 zhéqǐ sheet, corner of page(send away) 把…赶回去 bǎ… gǎn huiqu protester; 遣返 qiǎnfǎn refugeeswe were turned back by a security guard 一名保安把我们撵了回去 turn down A. [turn sth down, turn down sth] transitive verb (fold over) 翻下 fānxia collar; 叠起 diéqǐ sheet; 折起 zhéqǐ pageshe made the bed, neatly turning down the bedclothes 她铺好床,把被子整整齐齐地叠好 (reduce) 调低 tiáodī volume, gaswith the light turned down low 光线调得很暗地 (put face downwards) 使…面朝下 shǐ… miàn cháo xià cardlook at your card for a moment, then turn it down on the table 先看一下你的牌,然后牌面朝下放在桌上 B. [turn sb/sth down, turn down sb/sth] transitive verb (reject) 拒绝 jùjué applicant, offerthey turned down all my ideas 他们否定了我所有的想法 C. intransitive verb «line» 向下弯 xiàng xià wān the graph turns down from the end of July 曲线图从7月底开始呈下降走势 turn forward transitive verb [turn sth forward, turn forward sth] 把…往前拨 bǎ… wǎng qián bō don't forget to turn your clocks forward an hour tonight 别忘了今晚把钟拨快一小时 turn in A. intransitive verb informal (go to bed) 上床睡觉 shàngchuáng shuìjiào I think I'll turn in now 我想我该睡觉了 (point inwards) «foot» 向内弯 xiàng nèi wān she walks with her toes turned in 她走路内八字 to turn in on itself 向内弯 xiàng nèi wān to turn in on oneself 闭门谢客 B. [turn sth in, turn in sth] transitive verb (hand back) 交还 jiāohuán badgeyou must turn in your pass when you leave the building 你离开大楼时必须交回通行证 informal (give up) 放弃 fàngqì activity, membershipI turned in my evening job 我辞去了晚间的工作 why don't you turn it in now and go to bed? 你为什么不现在把它做完然后上床睡觉呢? (hand in, deliver) 上交 shàngjiāo homework; 提交 tíjiāo resignation; 获得 huòdé time, figuresshe turned in her last assignment two weeks late 她晚了两个星期才交上次的作业 he turned in a quite magnificent performance 他表演了一个相当精彩的节目 C. [turn sb in] transitive verb informal 告发 gàofā suspectI could turn you in to the customs 我可以向海关举报你 D. to turn oneself in reflexive verb informal 自首 zìshǒu he went to the police station and turned himself in 他到警察局自首了 turn off: A. transitive verb [turn sth off, turn off sth] (switch off) 关掉 guāndiào switch, engine; 停止 tíngzhǐ programmeturn the water off, the bath's full 不要放水了,浴缸满了 to turn sth off like a tap 立刻停下某事 [turn sb off, turn off sb] informal (put off) 使厌烦 shǐ yànfán nothing turns me off more or worse than bad breath 没有什么比口臭更让我讨厌了 to turn sb off sth; 使某人对某事物失去兴趣 it's enough to turn you off sex/drink for life! 这足以让你一辈子都厌恶性/酒! B. intransitive verb (leave road) 换道 huàndào where do we turn off for Derby? 我们在什么地方换道去德比? (switch off) guān where does this light turn off? 这盏灯开关在哪里? I couldn't understand the lecture, so I just turned off 我听不懂讲座,所以干脆不听了 turn on: A. transitive verb [turn sth on, turn on sth] (switch on) 打开 dǎkāi tap, radio, television; 启动 qǐdòng computer, engineI've turned the water on for a bath 我已经开始放洗澡水了 to turn on the charm/flattery 施展魅力/开始奉承 to turn on the pressure 施压 to turn sth on like a tap 立刻开始某事 [turn sb on, turn on sb] informal (arouse) 引起…的兴趣 yǐnqǐ… de xìngqù I get turned on by short skirts 我一看到短裙就兴奋 whatever turns you on 随便你怎么想 to turn sb on to sth; 使某人对某事物着迷 B. intransitive verb «light» 打开 dǎkāi ; «machine, appliance» 开启 kāiqǐ I've set the oven to turn on at half past six 我已经把烤箱设定在6点半启动 turn out A. intransitive verb (eventually prove to be) 结果是 jiéguǒ shì it's turned out nice again 后来天气又好了 to turn out to be sth; 结果是某事物 she's turning out to be a first-class manager 她正在成长为一名一流的经理 to turn out to do sth; 原来是某种情况 my mother turns out to have gone to school with him 我母亲原来同他一起上过学 it turns out that …; 结果是… as it turned out, … 果不其然,… (come out) «crowd, people» 出现 chūxiàn a large crowd turned out in the streets 街上冒出了一大群人 to turn out for sth/to do sth 为某事/做某事出来 only 40% of the electorate turned out to vote 结果只有40%的选民投票 (point outwards) «toe» 向外撇 xiàng wài piě my feet turn out slightly 我的脚稍稍有点儿外八字 informal (get up) 起床 qǐchuáng we all turned out bright and early 我们都一大早起床了 B. transitive verb [turn sth/sb out, turn out sth/sb] (switch off) guān light, gas; 熄灭 xīmiè lampturn out the candle before you come to bed 睡觉前先吹灭蜡烛 (empty) 腾空 téngkōng attic, cabinet; 掏空 tāokōng pocket, handbag; 把…倒出 bǎ… dàochū mould, jellyI'm going to turn out my desk 我要清理我的写字台 I turned the blancmange out on a large plate 我把牛奶冻倒在大盘子上 (produce) 生产 shēngchǎn goods; 培养 péiyǎng graduate; xiě script, poemwe've turned out some top-rate scientists despite our lack of funds 尽管我们缺乏资金,却培养出了一批顶尖科学家 (point outwards) 伸出 shēnchū feetthe ballet students all turned out their toes on cue 芭蕾舞学生全都按提示伸出脚尖 (evict) 赶走 gǎnzǒu tenantthe landlord turned us out 房东将我们赶了出来 go and turn him out of bed 去把他从床上弄起来 British Military 召集 zhàojí troops, policeturn out the guard! 集合卫兵! (dress, equip) 以…装束出现 yǐ… zhuāngshù chūxiàn to turn out a whole cast in Elizabethan costumes 身穿一整套伊丽莎白女王一世时代的服装 turn over A. intransitive verb (roll over) «person» 翻身 fānshēn ; «car» 侧翻 cèfān he turned over and went to sleep 他翻了个身睡着了 the boat turned over, and we were all thrown into the water 船翻了,我们都被甩到了水里 my stomach turned over (from fright, disgust) 我肚子很不舒服 (turn page) 翻页 fānyè I turned over and read on 我翻过一页接着读 Motor Vehicles «engine» 空转 kōngzhuàn B. transitive verb [turn sth/sb over, turn over sth/sb] (reverse) 使…翻过来 shǐ… fān guolai mattress, pagehelp me turn the table over 帮我把桌子翻过来 (roll over) 使…翻倒 shǐ… fāndǎo vehicle; 使…翻身 shǐ… fānshēn patienta big wave striking the ship side on could turn it right over 巨浪打到船舷上,足以将船掀翻 (hand over) 移交 yíjiāo money, businesscustoms officials turned the man over to the police 海关官员把那个男子移交给了警方 informal (rob) 抢劫 qiǎngjié shop, personburglars had turned the house over 盗匪们洗劫了这所住宅 (reflect on) 考虑 kǎolǜ idea, offerI've been turning over what you said 我一直在考虑你的话 to turn sth over in one's mind 考虑某事 Finance 营业额为 yíngyè'é wéi sumthe company turns over 150 million dollars a year 这家公司的年营业额为1.5亿美元 Business 销售 xiāoshòu stock, goodswe can't turn this line over fast enough to make it worth stocking in quantity 这种产品无法迅速售出,不值得大量囤货 Motor Vehicles 使…空转 shǐ… kōngzhuàn engineturn round (mainly British) A. intransitive verb (face different direction) «person» 转身 zhuǎnshēn ; «vehicle» 转向 zhuǎnxiàng turn round and face me 转过来面对我 to turn round to do sth; 转身做某事 to (just) turn round and say/do sth informal (只是)改变主意说某话/做某事 (revolve, rotate) «wheel, planet, dancer» 旋转 xuánzhuǎn to turn round and round 不断旋转 to turn round on its axis 绕轴转 Economics «business, market» 向相反方向发展 xiàng xiāngfǎn fāngxiàng fāzhǎn we are praying that the sales figures will turn round before the end of the year 我们求老天保佑销售量在年底前能有起色 Transport (unload and reload) «aircraft, ship» 装卸货物 zhuāngxiè huòwù B. transitive verb [turn sth/sb round, turn round sth/sb] (face other way) 使…转身 shǐ… zhuǎnshēn person; 使…转向 shǐ… zhuǎnxiàng vehicle, objecthe had turned round every single chair in the hall 他把大厅里的每张椅子都转了过来 (reverse) 颠倒 diāndǎo picture, sentenceEconomics (reverse decline in) 使…好转 shǐ… hǎozhuǎn company, economyit has turned my life round 这使我的生活出现了转机 (unload and reload, get ready) 给…装卸货物 gěi… zhuāngxiè huòwù aircraft, ship; 装卸 zhuāngxiè goods; 装卸…的货物 zhuāngxiè… de huòwù orderan incoming plane can be turned round in under an hour 一班进港飞机可以在一个小时内装卸完毕 turn up A. intransitive verb (arrive) 到来 dàolái she turned up in an old shirt and a pair of jeans 她穿着旧衬衫和牛仔裤来了 to turn up for or to work/for duty 来上班/值班 she turned up for her appointment two hours late 她约会迟到了两个小时 (be found) 被找到 bèi zhǎodào I'm sure your watch will turn up one of these days 我敢肯定这几天能找到你的手表 (present itself) «opportunity, job» 出现 chūxiàn a chance like this doesn't turn up very often 这样的机会不常有 (point upwards) «mouth, collar» 翘起 qiàoqǐ his nose turns up at the end 他鼻尖上翘 B. transitive verb [turn sth up, turn up sth] (point upwards) 翻起 fānqǐ collarshe turned up the brim of her hat 她把帽边翻了起来 a turned-up nose 朝天鼻 (in sewing) 折起 zhéqǐ sleeve, hem(discover) 发现 fāxiàn object, informationI turned this up in a little antique shop 我在一个小古玩店里找到了这个东西 (increase, intensify) 调高 tiáogāo heat, radio, musiccan you turn the sound up a bit, I can't hear 你能不能把声音弄大点儿,我听不见 British informal (stop) 停止 tíngzhǐ activityturn it up! 停下来!




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