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词汇 turn up
turn up A. intransitive verb (arrive) 到来 dàolái she turned up in an old shirt and a pair of jeans 她穿着旧衬衫和牛仔裤来了 to turn up for or to work/for duty 来上班/值班 she turned up for her appointment two hours late 她约会迟到了两个小时 (be found) 被找到 bèi zhǎodào I'm sure your watch will turn up one of these days 我敢肯定这几天能找到你的手表 (present itself) «opportunity, job» 出现 chūxiàn a chance like this doesn't turn up very often 这样的机会不常有 (point upwards) «mouth, collar» 翘起 qiàoqǐ his nose turns up at the end 他鼻尖上翘 B. transitive verb [turn sth up, turn up sth] (point upwards) 翻起 fānqǐ collarshe turned up the brim of her hat 她把帽边翻了起来 a turned-up nose 朝天鼻 (in sewing) 折起 zhéqǐ sleeve, hem(discover) 发现 fāxiàn object, informationI turned this up in a little antique shop 我在一个小古玩店里找到了这个东西 (increase, intensify) 调高 tiáogāo heat, radio, musiccan you turn the sound up a bit, I can't hear 你能不能把声音弄大点儿,我听不见 British informal (stop) 停止 tíngzhǐ activityturn it up! 停下来!




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